The first incident involved a naked man in Miami, Florida, who attacked another naked homeless man and ate his face off.  When a police officer demanded that he stop eating the other man's face, he just kept right on eating the man's flesh.  The officer shot him once to make him stop, but the man just kept on eating the other man's face without stopping, until the officer then shot him to death.  The second incident involved a Texas mother who killed her newborn child.  She ate part of his brains and bit off three of his toes.  The third incident involved a college student in Maryland, who killed a man, ate his heart and part of his brain.  The fourth incident involves a New Jersey man who stabbed himself 50 times and threw bits of his own intestines at police.  The police pepper sprayed him, but he was still fighting and not easily taken down.  The fifth incident in this string of events involves the young man whose photo appears above, Brandon de Leon.  He growled and tried to bite off a police officers hand after he was arrested for disturbing the peace in Miami, Florida. 

Being shot should be enough to get the attention of any normal human being.  Pepper spray is obviously something that should diffuse anyone for a while, but not these people.  The reason is, they have a supernatural spirit working in them which goes beyond the scope of human capabilities.  People who are demon possessed have supernatural strength and supernatural capabilities.   

Psychologists are actually hypothesizing about the possibility of a virus, or other illness causing these effects.  Some news articles are literally making light of these tragedies, while others are joking about them on blog spots.  This is how very cruel, evil and tragic society is today - in the last days.  The Bible says, "The Spirit speaks expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.  Many people who end up demon possessed and in a state of uncontrolled rage are those who have dabbled in the occult, witchcraft and even devil worship.  If you remember the "Night Stalker," Richard Ramirez, the serial killer who now sits on death row in San Quentin Prison, was a satanist and he declared "hail satan" in the courtroom during his infamous trial.  He also held up his hand showing a pentagram etched in his palm.  He is a declared satan worshiper.  I remember being able to see satan in the eyes of Charles Manson, as was the consensus of many others. 

The Bible alludes to such crimes as these occurring in the last days, "Know this, that in the last days perilous times shall come" 2 Timothy 3:1.  What are perilous times? defines "perilous" as "very hazardous or dangerous."  I would say that people eating other people is very hazardous and dangerous.  The scriptures go on to day, "For men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy (I can't think of a lot of things more unholy than people eating other people alive!), without natural affection (I would say that the "mother" who bit off her newborn's toes and ate part of his brain certainly didn't have any natural affection for him!), truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent ( defines "incontinent" as "not restrained, uncontrolled."  I would say that a man stabbing himself 50 times and tossing his intestines around is out of control!), fierce ( defines "fierce" as "menacingly wild, savage."  I would say it is very menacing and extremely wild and savage to eat another man's face off of him!), despisers of those who are good, traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God" 2 Timothy 3:2-4.  Can you see where this is heading?  The Bible says these things will happen in the last days, before the Lord returnsThese atrocities are being committed by those who are Godless and who are, no doubt, demon possessed.   

The Bible also tells us that only those who are spiritual can discern what is happening in the world, the others are blind.  We who know and serve God can spiritually discern what is happening and why it is happening; we also know the end is near.  Others will shrug, laugh it off, maybe be perplexed, but go about their business as usual. 

I plead with you, read the Word of God and ask the Lord to give you the interpretation of His Holy Word.  Turn your life over to the Lord and ask Him to direct your paths, and He will.  If you aren't saved and ready to face God and give an account of your life here on earth, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.