Twenty-two deaths have been attributed to storms that hit eastern US states since Friday and at least 2 million people remain without power in the smoldering heat.  Utility companies have informed customers that it could take several more days to restore power to homes in states from North Carolina to New Jersey and as far west as Illinois, BBC News reported.  Many households are without air conditioning or refrigerators in tripple-digit temperatures.  Heat advisories are in effect for 17 states throughout the Mideast and eastern states and record-breaking temperatures are expected to continue Monday from St Louis and Missouri to Washington, DC.  The City of Athens, Georgia reached a temperature of 108F (42C) on Sunday. 

The damage was reported mostly due to an unusual weather phenomenon called "derecho," when hurricane-force winds run ahead of fast moving thunderstorms.  Trees falling on homes and cars caused most of the storm related deaths. 

I don't find it coincidental that the storms hit within 24 hours of the Supreme Court's decision on Obamacare.  That ungodly, unholy legislature, which mandates US tax dollars fund abortions and brings in microchipping in the name of "security," which I believe will eventually usher in microchipping in order to buy and sell, has just thrust a demonic sword into the liberties of all Americans.  The bill calls for mandatory "end of life" instruction, whereby terminal patients will have the option of euthanasia shoved into their faces, instead of quality care.  The elderly will suffer and patients needing urgent care will wait longer to receive treatment. 

This healthcare "overhaul" reminds me, in a way, of when Orange County California declared bankruptcy and two floors in Children's Hospital of Orange County became "ghost wards."  Suddenly, there weren't half as many children receiving treatment in the hospital after the bankruptcy.  You can look at that two ways.  Either children who really didn't need treatment at all were finally being cut lose from their torment, or children who needed treatment were being negligently turned away because of money - the lack of it; either way, we are talking corruption.  That reminds me of another sad situation, when Obama didn't get the unlimited money he wanted.  Did he threaten to cut space exploration, construction of streets, even parks and recreation?  NO!  He said, "Social Security recipients wouldn't get their pitiful little penance of a retirement check in the mail!"  Where do these thugs attack when the going gets tough?  Children and elderly, that's where!

It is very interesting, to say the least, that the president and Congress are exempt from Obamacare.  If Obamacare is so great, why isn't it good enough for them?  Why don't the president and Congress want Obamacare?  You only need to answer that question for yourself to know the truth about this corruption in disguise.  The truth is, it is not good, it stinks, and that is exactly why they have exempted themselves.  They want you to have it, but they don't want it for themselves.  Hello, is anyone home out there?

Unless and until this nation turns to God and repents of the corruption, sinfulness and down right wickedness that is prevalent our society, things are rapidly going from bad to worse, which is what the Word of God says will happen to the wicked in the last days before the Lord's return. 

I believe Obama is going to be president for another term, but I don't believe it will be because the American people want such a tyrannical far left leader, I believe it will be through fraud and corruption, which is what got him the job the first time around.  Investigations of the electoral ballots in Illinois proved he didn't even have enough electoral votes to run for the presidency, let alone win the election.  He took his place through fraud and corruption, false signatures and votes.  He isn't even eligible to be in the White House.  His father was not a US citizen, which disqualifies him from the job, according to the US Constitution. 

Primarily, he hasn't finished his job of bringing this nation totally to its knees, which must be done, before the bankers can bring about a socialist regime controlled by the elite.  Therefore, I believe he will have another round at thrusting in the final death blow, by hook or by crook, I believe they will see him in office. 

The Word of God, which hasn't been wrong so far, doesn't have a positive message for the world we live in today:  "I beheld a white horse and he who sat on him had a bow and a crown was given to him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer.  And there went out another horse that was red and power was given unto him who sat on it to take peace from the earth, that they should kill one another, and a great sword was given to him.  ...and I beheld a black horse and he who sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.  And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny..." Revelation 6:2,4-6.  This last horseman, with the balances, represents famine and food shortages.  This measure of barley and wheat in John's day (the prophet) was enough to maybe feed the average family and the two cents is representative of a day's wages at that time.  The message coming from the black horse and rider is that it will cost a day's wages for a day's worth of food.  Okay, at least people will be able to eat, but notice, there won't be any money left over for anything else. 

That's where we are headed, friends, very rapidly and it will happen suddenly, not over a lengthy period of time.  In fact, I believe the bankers are holding the economy together only about long enough to get Obama reelected, then they are going to break the market, just as they did in 1929 - on purpose.  A lot of wealth, equity, rushes into their hands when that happens, because the poor can't pay for their properties any longer.  All of the economists who are "in the know" say it is going to happen shortly.

Oh yea, and what does all of this have to do with storms in the eastern US?  Just another portion of God's wrath and judgment, according to Isaiah, "Behold, the Lord has a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to earth with the hand" Isaiah 28:2.     

There is only one hope for the future and that hope is in our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.  The Bible tells us that He, and only He will deliver us from the wrath of God that will be poured out on this earth, "Wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus, who delivered us from the wrath to come" 1 Thessalonians 1:10.  If you aren't saved, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.

* If you are convinced that I have desecrated the innocence of this great nation, I invite you to watch the accompanying videos to this article on the News Videos page dated 7/2/12, titled The CIA's Criminal Experiments.