Earlier this week, Mark Berndt, an LA County school teacher who worked at Miramonte Elementary School for 32 years was arrested and charged with committing lewd acts on 23 children ages 6 to 10 between 2005 and 2010.  His bond was set at 23 million and he could face life in prison if convicted.  Another teacher, Martin Springer, who worked at the same elementary school, Miramonte Elementary, was arrested on Friday for fondling two girls in his classroom ages 7 and 8.  Photos of children blindfolded with their mouths taped have been retrieved in the Berndt case.  A 10-year-old girl claimed Berndt tried to fondle her 18 years ago, but an arrest was never made.  Two former students have surfaced with claims of strange behaviors by Berndt since his arrest last week, reported HuffingtonPost.com. The investigation of Berndt began in the fall of 2010 when a film processor became suspicious about the photographs and turned them over to investigators, who notified the school district.  Detectives had Springer under surveillance prior to his arrest on Friday.  Parents are outraged that they were not notified of the allegations that surfaced last year, until the teachers were recently arrested.  After the news broke about Springer being arrested on Friday, several parents took their children out of the school.

Reports of teachers charged and sentenced in sexual abuse cases are increasing dramatically.  Most of these cases have been posted under the "Crimes Against Humanity" Category of this website, because it is my belief that these crimes against innocent children are crimes against humanity!  The Bible says, "Because iniquity will abound, the love of many will wax cold" Matthew 24:12.  Jesus was speaking of the last days and how iniquity will increase and hearts will grow cold.  "Know this, that in the last days, perilous times will come.  Men will be lovers of their own selves...unholy" 2 Timothy 3:1-2.  If you are interested in knowing how to home educate your child(ren), please visit www.HSLDA.org.  The Home School Legal Defense Association protects your rights to homeschool and they provide information on how to do so.  God bless you.