On Tuesday, Chardon Police Chief Tim McKenna announced that 17-year-old Russell King Jr., who was airlifted to a hospital after the shooting, "has passed."  Daniel Parmertor, another 16-year-old student, died only hours after the shooting.  A third student, Demetrius Hewlin, who was wounded in the shooting rampage, died Tuesday morning.  A lawyer for the family identified the shooter as T.J. Lane, a 17-year-old junior at the high school.  Law enforcement officials described the suspect as a "victim of bullying" and "an outcast," reported FoxNews.com.  About 100 students were in the school cafeteria just before classes began at about 7:30 am, when witnesses said that the suspect opened fire at a group of students sitting at a table.

The Bible says, "Know this, that in the last days perilous times will come, for men will be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents (kids gone wild), unthankful, unholy" 2 Timothy 3:1-2.  We are living in the last days before the return of Christ, friends.  If you don't know the Lord and you aren't saved, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. 
If you have had enough of the evil and many tragedies going on in America's schools, please visit the Home Education page of this website.  God bless you.