Ahaz was one of the kings of Judah, whose story is detailed in 2 Chronicles 28.  His legacy is that "he did not do what was right in the sight of the Lord." 

The Bible tells us that Ahaz made molten images for Baalim (satanic god of the heathen), burned incense in the Valley of Hinnom (meaning hell) and that "he burned (sacrificed) his children in the fire" (2 Chronicles 28:3). 

History tells us that a giant idol in the form of a man, with the head of an ox and a hollow belly, was erected in the Valley of Hinnom and a very hot fire was kindled in the belly of it.  Idol worshipers placed their babies on the red-hot, outstretched hands of the giant idol and burned them alive

These atrocities infuriated God, so the Lord allowed Syria to invade Judah and defeat them.  Instead of repenting and turning to the Lord God, the Bible tells us that Ahaz "sacrificed to the gods of Damascus, who defeated him; because, he said, "The gods of the kings of Syria help them, so I will sacrifice to them, so they might help me (2 Chronicles 28:23)," not considering at all that the true, living God of heaven and earth allowed Syria to defeat him because of his sins of idolatry in the first place. 

Does this story sound familiar?  It should!  Muslims throughout the Middle East have been worshiping their "moon god" and killing Jews, Christians and each other since time immemorial.  Contrarily, our nation was founded on Biblical principles and America has been a predominantly Christian nation for hundreds of years, so our nation has prospered to become the greatest nation in the world.  We have also been allowed to enjoy an abundance of peace with that, until about the last ten years

The leaders of America have systematically kicked God and prayer out of schools, brought evolution monkeys into the classrooms, brought x-rated sex education into the classrooms, eradicated our Christian heritage from the history books, brought socialism into public school curriculum, brought x-rated homosexual education into the classrooms, and even now are infiltrating - not Bible studies - but teachings of the Qu'ran into American public school classrooms! 

I would like to stress this parallel:  Ahaz sinned, worshiped the idols of the heathen nations surrounding Judah, even going so far as to sacrifice his own children, burning them alive, in the belly of Molech!  So, God allowed Syria to come into Judah, destroy the cities and carry the people of Judah away captive.  Consider the sins of our nation (above).  Is it any wonder that Muslim terrorists have been allowed to infiltrate America, kill thousands of US citizens, destroy the twin towers, and continue planning terrorist attacks against us?  The Muslims are no longer just killing Jews, Christians and each other in Muslim nations, but God Almighty has allowed the moon worshipers to come into America and terrorize this nation.  Do you really need to ask yourself why?  This same scenario has played out time and time again for thousands of years in the Middle East.  Every time God's people sin and commit idolatry (which takes many forms), the same heathen nations came and destroyed them!   

Remember, Ahaz didn't repent when God allowed Syria to come in and destroy Judah, instead he began worshiping their idols!  Since Obama has taken office, he can hardly keep his mouth shut about how wonderful Muslims are.  He has been seen literally "bowing down" to Saudi Arabia's king Abdullah!  He has had all references to the words "Islamic terrorist" removed from US military counter-terrorism training manuals!  Instead, under his administration, Homeland Security has compiled mountainous lists of Americans who he and his administration consider to be potential terrorists, such as Christians, American troops who have completed active service (risking their lives) in the Middle East, anyone who (God forbid) doesn't like Muslim terrorists...and the list goes on!!

Cremation of Care ceremony in the Bohemian Grove
Ultimate Sin?  The Bohemians (San Francisco-based).  A group of elitists, made up of American presidents, government leaders, international bankers, trillionaires, billionaires...who gather yearly in the Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio, California.  They hold a mock cremation ceremony (Cremation of Care), burning a life-like dummy (screams and all) in the belly of a giant idol similar to Molech, but a giant owl instead.  Why they picked an owl is anyone's guess, but possibly alluding to "wise as an owl," esteeming themselves to be among the elite intellects of the world. 

The Word of God has something to say about that too, "Because when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened.  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image like corruptible man, to birds, fourfooted beasts and creeping things" Romans 1:21-23.  Yes, the answer to many mysteries is found somewhere in the Word of God.

Many people in America today, even Christians who are unaware, are sacrificing their own children in the "fires" of the public school system, which infiltrates their impressionable minds with atheistic views, socialistic ideology, illicit sexual behaviors and the like.  Are you interested in finding a way out of the "idolatry?"  Please visit the Home Education page of this website.  God bless you.