I read some interesting facts in the news this evening on HuffingtonPost.com.  Chicago's murder rate is higher than Cabul's, but no one is talking about it.  Chicago Police reported that at least 19 people were shot yesterday evening; 13 of those were wounded within a 30-minute period.  Eight people were gunned down Thursday evening in one incident, a drive-by shooting.  Police said drugs and gang violence were responsible for this weekend's round of violence.  During the weekend of June 9th, nine people were killed and 46 others were wounded in Chicago. 

Homicides are up 50 percent over the last year in Chicago. 

I find it no coincidence that Rahm Emanuel resigned as Obama's Chief of Staff to run for Mayor of Chicago, and that he has been the Mayor of Chicago for about a year and a-half.  I find it no coincidence either that violence is so rampant in Chicago with him in office, or that Barack Obama came out of Chicago. 

Demons are territorial and they tend to remain and dominate where evil abounds.  This is Biblical and I will give you some scriptural references here.

A faithful Hebrew by the name of Daniel went into captivity with Israel when they were carried into Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar.  Daniel turned to God, mourning and fasting for three weeks, praying for God to forgive and deliver Israel.  After three weeks, an angel appeared to Daniel (Daniel 10) and told him that from the time he began praying, 21 days earlier, God sent him with a message and he told Daniel, "...from the first day that you set your heart to understand and you chastened yourself before God, your words were heard and I came because of your prayers, but the prince of the kingdom of Persia (modern day Iran) withstood me 21 days, but Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me and I remained there with the kings of Persia" Daniel 10:12-13. 

As the angel was on his way to bring a message from God to Daniel, the prince of Persia, a powerful demon presiding over the wicked nation of Persia, came against him and tried to prevent God's answer from arriving to Daniel, until Michael assisted the angelic messenger during the spiritual warfare.  Later, in Daniel 10:21, this angel refers to Michael as Daniel's prince, and again refers to Michael as the prince who stands for the children of Daniel's people, Israel. 

According to the above passages, Persia (Iran), which is still a very wicked nation, whose leaders openly threaten to "wipe Israel off the face of the map," has its own "prince," a strong satanic force.  The people of Israel, God's chosen, also have a prince by the name of Michael, and these angels war against one another, even as those kingdoms on earth, Iran against Israel, are at war with one another.  The angels and demons are obviously assigned to their respective territories.

The Word of God tells us, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" Ephesians 6:12. 

Getting back to Chicago...Rahm Emanuel was the White House Chief of Staff, but is now Mayor of Chicago.  I don't know a lot about Emanuel, but I can tell you one thing, he has a disgustingly foul mouth.  Wordpress.com even posted a spoof on Emanuel's profanity it's so very bad.  Such things were said like, "Nothing says 'hope' like a foul-mouthed, backstreet brawling, Chicago-style politician to lead the charge."  Jesus said, "Oh, generation of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak good things?  Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34.  This man is wicked.

As an aside, it isn't coincidental that Joe Biden has the number-2 sewer mouth of all time.  "The heart of the righteous studies to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things" Proverbs 15:28.  This man is wicked.   

Barack Obama came out of Chicago.  He detests colonialism and blames America for the problems of poor nations.  He made fun of passages in the Bible during his campaign for presidency (which can be viewed at this link on YouTube) and he criticized the fact that the Constitution of the United States was based on Biblical principles.  He apparently doesn't like the Holy Word of God.  He actually hates America and is intent on bringing its demise as quickly as he possibly can.  If you aren't inclined to believe this, it would be good for you to watch a new release, "2016 Obama's America." 

God revealed to me what this man was all about before I had ever heard of the creator of "2016," Dinesh D'Souza, his book or his movie; but what I have from God is right in line with what this man D'Souza has published about Barack Obama.  Dinesh D'Souza was policy advisor to President Ronald Reagan and he is in the know about Barack Obama. 

It is no shock to me that Chicago's crime rate is astronomical, and that it has even increased 50 percent in the last year, since Emanuel arrived.  There is obviously a "prince of Chicago" hard at work and Emanuel undoubtedly fuels his fire in that city since taking the Mayor's seat.

I pray this website gives the readers insight as to what is happening spiritually across the nation and the world.  Salvation is a prerequisite to spiritual insight, so if it doesn't make sense and you need a spiritual awakening to understand the eternal spiritual realm and God's truths, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.