Poor little donkeys!  It is really tragic how animals are suffering throughout the globe right now, especially in other countries.  When this type of thing hits the US, you have to know things are extremely bad socially and economically.
AP:  Houston, TX - With pastures withered from a lingering drought, farmers in Texas and northwest Louisiana have abandoned donkeys by the hundreds, turning them into wandering refugees that have severely tested animal rescue groups.  The nation's biggest donkey rescue group says that since March 2011, it has taken in nearly 800 donkeys abandoned in Texas, where ranchers mainly used the animals to guard their herds.  Many of the cattle and goats have been sold off, largely because of the drought and the nations economic slump, putting the donkeys out of a job.

Commentary:  When people are really stressed about water and food, they will go to extremes.  In fact, studies reveal that a day or two without water and a few days without food will motivate most people to kill to quench their thirst or hunger.  I am very grateful to God that He has promised not to allow His people to suffer through the great tribulation that will be poured out on the wicked of this world.  The Bible says, "Wait for His Son from heaven, whom He has raised from the dead, even Jesus, who delivered us from the wrath to come" 1 Thessalonians 1:10.