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Update: This video will remain on this page, unless/until the slaughter of Christians in Syria and Iraq stops! We owe it to the dead, especially those killed in this manner, to display the truth about the beasts that have slaughtered them!
The following video has been shown before, but I am compelled to run it again because people throughout the world need to know what is happening to Christians in Syria, Iraq and in various other places throughout the Middle East. Our propagandized media is not releasing this information! The Word of God tells us that God’s people will be beheaded for their faith during the tribulation (Revelation 20:4), and Jesus said concerning the last days, “There shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world, no, nor ever shall be” Matthew 24:21. That hour is upon us, folks!
Are you ready to face God?

Hit hard by Obamacare? It would be well worth your while to compare plans and rates among these Christian healthcare cooperatives. They are inexpensive and meet the federal mandates of the new healthcare law:

Christian Healthcare Ministries (

Samaritan Ministries (

Medi-Share (

This administration is pressing hard against the American people to protest and riot, but don’t fall for it!

All written publications on this site, every page, may be copied and shared for evangelistic purposes. Did Jesus say, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," "and make sure you copyright it!" I think not. God bless you with the Light of the world. 

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Posted by L A on Friday, June 10, 2016, In : TERRORISM 

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This lovely Christian girl in Mosul, Iraq, was burned alive by Islamic State Muslim terrorists, but before she died of her 4th degree burns, as she lay dying in her mother’s arms, she begged her mother to forgive her executioners.

Forgiveness is what Christians do.

Unconscionable torture and killing is what demon possessed Muslim terrorists do in the name of Allah.

Which are serving the real God, Creator of a...

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Posted by L A on Thursday, August 20, 2015, In : TERRORISM 

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As they battled for the City of Sirte, Libya, IS captured, beheaded and hung 12 local Libyans on crosses. The death toll was between 150 and 200 on Friday.

Sirte was the home town of Libya’s former leader, Moammar Gadhafi, who was assassinated by Barack Hussein Obama.

Isn’t it interesting that Obama started the “Arab Spring” in the Middle East and now you see nothing but mayhem, the genocidal slaughter of Chris...

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19 Firefighters - Yes 19 Firefighters Die While Battling Yarnell Hill Blaze

Posted by L A on Monday, July 1, 2013, In : FIRES 
Updated 7/7/2013

Yarnell, Arizona: 19 elite "hot shot" firefighters died in a forest northwest of Phoenix on Sunday in the deadliest wildfire involving firefighters in the US.

The fire started after lightning struck the area on Friday and spread over at least 2,000 acres on Sunday amidst triple digit temperatures, low humidity and windy conditions. A mix for the perfect disaster.

The top elite group of firefighters deployed their emergency "fire shelters," tent-like structures meant to s...

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1,718 High School Students Receive Suspension Notices

Posted by L A on Friday, May 3, 2013, In : DEPOPULATION 

Over 1,700 high school students received suspension notices, hand delivered by the principal, in the Iowa Waterloo School District. The notices put kids on alert that unless their vaccine records were up to date by next week, they will be suspended from school.

This type of action is expected by those "in the know." Consider these facts and you will be better informed about vaccines:

During the 1960s, children received eight vaccines by the age of six.

In 2013, children are expected to rece...

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Communist Manifesto Describes America's Path

Posted by L A on Saturday, November 3, 2012, In : DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA 

Socialism and Communism, basically the same thing.

Karl Marx described ten steps necessary to destroy a free enterprise system (also known as Capitalism, which Obama hates and his father also hated) and replace it with a Socialist-Communist State.  These planks were designed as a test, to determine whether or not a country was transitioning to Communism.

Obama has signed 923 Executive Orders since taking office, some of which are enumerated below.

Is America heading towards Communism?  Cons...
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What Will Happen on January 2, 2013?

Posted by L A on Thursday, November 1, 2012, In : ECONOMIC CRISIS 

Last night, as I was finishing up very late, I was almost nodding off, when suddenly I heard a voice that said, "January 2, 2013."  I was a bit perplexed, but I know when the Lord is speaking to me.  I was wide awake after that. 

Since I didn't receive anything other than the date, I figured there might already be something on the internet about that date, so I searched, "What will happen on 1/2/13?"  Odd date that it was, I felt certain in my spirit that something would come up that I...

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Superstorm Sandy Update

Posted by L A on Tuesday, October 30, 2012, In : STORMS 

A new storm tide record of 13.88 feet was set at The Battery in New York City on Monday evening; the old record was 11.2 feet in 1821.  Coastal flooding will continue beyond Monday's peak into Tuesday afternoon in some areas!

The US death toll is at 12 and expected to rise by morning.  NYU Langone Hospital evacuated more than 200 patients due to a power outage and since elevators have stopped, patients are being carried to ambulances.  Ambulances are ru...

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1.5 Million People Already Without Power on the East Coast

Posted by L A on Monday, October 29, 2012, In : STORMS 

Hurricane Sandy is well into destruction right now in the northeast part of the East Coast.  Officials have said that if there are people remaining in those areas of New Jersey and Delaware that have already been hit, it is too late for them.  The storm washed away part of the Atlantic City boardwalk, threatening to cripple Wall Street and the New York City subway system with epic flooding, reported the Associated Press.

Hurricane Sandy was gaining spe...

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12 Deaths, 2 Million Without Power and Record-Breaking Heat in Eastern States and Washington, DC

Posted by L A on Sunday, July 1, 2012, In : STORMS 

80 mph (130 km/h) winds swept through regions around Washington, DC, and about 2 million people suffered power outages in record-breaking, tripple-digit temperatures.  Twelve deaths have been attributed to the storms, and more severe weather is in the forecast.  Felled trees and power lines littered the streets after violent storms surged the eastern states and Amtrak cancelled services from Washington to Philadelphia. 

The heatwave in Washington DC has surpassed all records at 104F (...

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11-Year-Old Colorado Girl Handcuffed At School

Posted by L A on Thursday, March 8, 2012, In : DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA 

Children handcuffed and restrained in public schools as "standard procedure." 
A sixth-grade girl was found walking in the hallway during lunch by the school's assistant principal at Shaw Heights Middle School.  The child reportedly claimed she was in the hallway because she was cold and needed a sweater from her locker.  An Adam's County Sheriff's report said that when the principal began speaking with the child, she turned and walked away, saying, "I don't have time for this."  The 11...
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