This has been deliberately ignored by the Obama administration and the United Nations.

The 2011 Somali famine reportedly killed 260,000, half of them aged five and under, reported the Associated Press.

It was reported that the death toll was exacerbated by the slow responses of the international community, but also because al-Shabab terrorists blocked food aid deliveries to south-central Somalia.

When asked about the report, Somalia Health Minister Maryan Qasim Ahmed said she didn't want to comment until she read the report.

Sikander Khan, head of UNICEF in Somalia, also said he needed to look at the report before commenting, but said generally the response to the famine was problematic because it depended on "political dynamics."

Isn't it interesting that the famine that killed about a quarter of a million people is only now being publicized - after it's way too late to do anything? This is propagandized media for you...and there is an agenda behind it...(discussed below)

You are probably not aware of it yet, but there are staggering numbers of people, mostly children and elderly, who are dying in Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and other nations, including the Middle East. The US media will not publicize this effectively, because this administration is not going to help, and neither will the United Nations! You might ask, "Why?" The tragic reason is they want them to die!

In the meantime, main stream news outlets reported today that "the CIA gave tens of millions of dollars to Afghanistan President Karzai for more than a decade." The New York Times reported the CIA delivered cash to the Afghan president's office in suitcases, backpacks and plastic shopping bags, citing current and former advisers to the Afghan leader.

Reuters reported that the money was meant to "buy influence for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), but instead fueled corruption and empowered warlords."

"The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan," one American official said, "was the United States."

The CIA declined to comment and the US State Department did not immediately comment.

In the midst of tragedy, death, corruption and terrorism, no one wants to comment. This is no surprise. They will not comment, until they can all come up with some type of hype they believe will appease the half-asleep public, which is generally the result in these situations.

In summary, the Bush and Obama administrations can spend billions upon billions of dollars fighting a useless war in Afghanistan, while simultaneously looting the American citizens of billions of tax dollars to line the pockets of terrorists, but whose hands are also "hopelessly tied" from doing anything at all about a terrorist thug and his militant cronies blocking aid to a quarter of a million dying people in Somalia, mostly children. How lame is that? No - not lame, the words are actually "cruel and calculating." Lets all face it, just a few fly-by drone attacks over that bunch of little cowardly Muslim terrorist thugs would have pushed them into caves, or in their graves, and the aid could have been taken into Somalia! There is some news for you!

The lack of international response to the dying in Somalia? Intentional. Part of the Illuminati's depopulation plan. Obama and his administration know a lot about the plan, thus he "holds hands" with Planned Parenthood, while they slaughter of hundreds of thousands of unborn babies every year in the US alone; now, some of them are slaughtered, with Planned Parenthood's blessings, after they are born!

Billions into the hands of Afghan warlords - actually terrorists? What else is new? If you keep up with the news, Obama has been giving billions, hand over fist, to Muslims for "this, that and the other thing" since he first took office -  illegally! That's correct. Obama's father is Kenyan and, according to the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution, American presidents' parents must both be natural born citizens. He is a rogue president, in the White House illegally.  Nevertheless, this is the least of America's problems. In other words, you haven't seen anything yet!

The Word of God says,

"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" Proverbs 14:34.

Jesus also said,

"Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold" Matthew 24:12.

Why does America have a rogue president in the White House illegally, who is effectively working to destroy the nation and bring in Socialism? We only need to look at the recent history of this nation to answer that question:

In the 60s-70s, the US courts kicked prayer out of schools, banned the teaching of creation, legalized the teaching of evolution (a mathematical impossibility - even if you don't believe there is a God!), legalized sex education for very young children, which is an abomination in the manner it is taught, and the murder of unborn babies was legalized by the US Supreme Court. All of this wasn't enough, now they are murdering babies born during botched abortions!

These are all signs that we are living in the last of the last days and that the Lord's return is near, according to the Word of God (Matthew 24-25).

Are you ready to face God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website, while there is still time. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.