It is still difficult to find some ammunition and certain firearms and parts.  A lot of people in the United States appreciate the US Constitution and plan to defend it, possibly with their lives, as millions of our forefathers did.  They aren't stupid.

Do you believe Christians shouldn't need to defend their children and their families, in that God will protect us?  Christian martyrs in the early church gave up their lives willingly.  Instructions left by Jesus?  Jesus, knowing the Romans would invade Israel, said, "Now, he who has a purse, let him take it and likewise his scrip (bag or wallet), and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one" Luke 22:36. 

God supplies our needs "according to His riches in glory" (Philippians 4:19).  Does this mean that because God supplies our food, we don't have to go out and buy groceries?  God provides, but He expects us to do our part.  A man, or woman, has a duty to protect his/her children and family.  We do not step aside when danger comes and say, "Oh Lord, come down from heaven and protect my children;" we stand between them and danger. reported yesterday that the Department of Homeland Security has purchased new targets for federal agents.  These new cardboard cut-out targets include children, pregnant women and elderly people!

Now why do you suppose that Obama's DHS agents need to fire on targets of children, pregnant women and the elderly?

 also reported that the company behind the shooting targets of children received $2 million from DHS.  Law Enforcement Targets, Inc. is the service provider for DHS, the Justice Department and law enforcement agencies throughout the country.

DHS also purchased enough ammunition, roughly 2 billion rounds, during the last year to supply a 30-year war.  What does DHS need that much ammo for?  The military purchases their own ammunition (?).  DHS also purchased 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles last September.

In light of the fact that DHS has purchased such outrageous targets, an unimaginable amount of ammo and assault rifles, this alone should send up 2 billion red flags in the minds of American citizens, or at least move them to take precautions

After all, Winston Churchhill said, "Don't trust Hitler!"  No one listened to the man!...until it was way too late...6 million dead Jews too late...and 5 million dead others = 11 million!...incinerated in ovens!...because the world thought Hitler was a nice guy...Churchhill knew better!  Was that so long ago?  Some people in that generation are still living today!

...which reminds me of a passage of scripture quoted by the wisest king who ever lived, according to God's Word, "The thing that has been is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done, and there is no new thing under the sun" Ecclesiastes 1:9.

It seems Obama's DHS is well underway with their desensitization program.  Do you really think your families are not in danger?  You wouldn't be alone.  As the Nazis confiscated the Jews' firearms, issued the "Star of David" for their clothes, fenced them into ghettos, then told them they were taking a quick trip to a "safer place," the Jews sheepishly loaded their children and families into those cattle cars!

Many of you may be thinking, Who in the world would be willing to round up Americans, let alone fire on them!  Actually, there are plenty of Muslims in the US now, thanks to Obama, that I'm sure wouldn't mind filling those positions.  Of course, we have always had the criminal element in society and they even fill law enforcement and military positions sometimes. 

Obama's new "litmus test" for top ranking military officials is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on US citizens.  If the answer is "no," they're out, according to an anonymous high ranking military official.

Is there hope?  Yes, in our Lord and Savior - alone.  Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled with exact accuracy, and the remaining prophecies will be fulfilled also.  Are you prepared for eternity, or do you believe you will live on this earth, as it exists today, forever?  Never has happened for anyone.  We are all stepping into eternity, no ifs, ands or buts about it. 

If you aren't prepared, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.