The truth Obama doesn't want you to see or know about.
Mogadishu - Shabaab terrorists on Monday banned the Red Cross and ordered it out of Shabaab territories.  Shabaab issued a statement saying the Red Cross handed out "outdated food" and "falsely accused the mujahideen of blocking food distribution."  Shabaab gunmen control south and central Somalia, which is said to be in the greatest humanitarian need at this time, with about 250,000 facing starvation.  The Red Cross discontinued food aid to 1.1 million in Somalia earlier this month due to the terrorists.  Shabaab set fire to about 2,000 tons of Red Cross food intended for distribution. 

In the meantime, Obama has 100 troops in central Africa searching for a "Christian" militant leader, while these others are starving death because of the Muslim terrorists that are burning and blocking food distribution.  Does that make sense?  It would only make sense to a Muslim terrorist supporter.  "The righteous considers the cause of the poor, but the wicked prefers not to know it" Proverbs 29:7. 
***  Google has effectively censored this website within the last two months.  Obama met with the CEOs of Google, Facebook and Apple last year - coincidence?  You can believe that if you want to, but it is absolutely no coincidence that he signed the National Defense Authorization Act this month and as a part of that bill, Obama has the power to arrest and detain indefinitely US citizens without a trial.  He has also awarded himself "emergency control over the internet" via the Protecting Cyberspace As a National Asset Act.  If you appreciate this website, you may want to consider bookmarking it or typing the URL into your browser, otherwise you may not find it.  ***