National Health Service Alexandra Hospital, England, apologized to 38 families for appalling care, and their patient who starved to death. (excerpts):  An NHS hospital in England apologized to 38 families after a patient starved to death and it left other dying people screaming in pain.

Alexandra Hospital in Redditch is writing to 38 families after a massive legal action that exposed years of bad practice, ranging from nurses taunting patients, to leaving an elderly woman unwashed for 11 weeks. 

In one of the worst cases, a man had "starvation" recorded as his cause of death, after being "treated" at the hospital for two months. 

Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, said last evening that he was "disgusted and appalled" by what the families had been through (by what the families had been through??), and that the government was acting to ensure that failings in care were detected more quickly. 

Hmmmm, "failings in care were detected more quickly?"  I think that to "ensure failings in care don't happen" would be a much better way to put it.  Of course, next to all of the highfaluting, doting Royals in England, who am I to say a word?

This report went on to say,

Bereaved families told how vulnerable patients were left to starve when trays were placed out of their reach, while others were left in soaking bedsheets.

Wow, aren't we anxiously awaiting our public healthcare system (Obamacare) in the US?!  Of course, it is so very wonderful, that President Obama, his family, Congress and their families, are all exempt from Obamacare!

Are you actually thinking that because we are a civilized nation, the above described conditions could not possibly occur in the US?  England is a "civilized" nation.  Why, the Royals live in England! 

I suppose we should consider that Queen Elizabeth and her family are, no doubt, exempt from NHS.  Of course, we would never see the Queen waiting in line to see a doctor in town.  NHS is just for the lowly citizens...of England...hmmm...something sounds familiar here...

Oh, and while I'm thinking of it, just a reminder; a government pannel will have to approve your advanced heath care needs.  That is absolutely correct.  After Obamacare kicks in, your doctor can't decide whether or not you can receive life-saving surgery/treatment, only the government can decide.  Ohhh, doesn't that sound comforting, especially when the nation is on the brink of a "fiscal cliff?"

"The righteous considers the cause of the poor, but the wicked regards not to know it" Proverbs 29:7.

I can only say that I certainly hope your faith and trust is in the Lord God Almighty, who we should lean on for our care not only during our temporary existence on earth, but throughout eternity.  Is your eternal destiny secure in the Lord?  If not, please receive Him today and visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.