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Update: This video will remain on this page, unless/until the slaughter of Christians in Syria and Iraq stops! We owe it to the dead, especially those killed in this manner, to display the truth about the beasts that have slaughtered them!
The following video has been shown before, but I am compelled to run it again because people throughout the world need to know what is happening to Christians in Syria, Iraq and in various other places throughout the Middle East. Our propagandized media is not releasing this information! The Word of God tells us that God’s people will be beheaded for their faith during the tribulation (Revelation 20:4), and Jesus said concerning the last days, “There shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world, no, nor ever shall be” Matthew 24:21. That hour is upon us, folks!
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Hit hard by Obamacare? It would be well worth your while to compare plans and rates among these Christian healthcare cooperatives. They are inexpensive and meet the federal mandates of the new healthcare law:

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This administration is pressing hard against the American people to protest and riot, but don’t fall for it!

All written publications on this site, every page, may be copied and shared for evangelistic purposes. Did Jesus say, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," "and make sure you copyright it!" I think not. God bless you with the Light of the world. 

Obama to Begin Peace Talks with Taliban?

Posted by L A on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Under: TERRORISM
Doesn't that sound wonderful? News headlines read that US officials will enter direct "peace talks" with the Taliban "within coming days."

One might just ask oneself what in the world could US officials discuss with the Taliban in order to bring peace. Since it is their devout religious belief that their jihad (holy war) with all unbelievers (non-Muslims) will bring their Mahdi's (Muslim messiah) return; what in the world do you suppose the US officials can say to them? Since it is their earnest belief that they must declare war on non-Muslims, do you suppose that US officials will try to get them to convert to Christianity, or atheism, so as not to declare jihad on non-Muslims?

Actually, that will surely not happen, because our studious US officials know certainly that in dealing with violent Muslims, you do not try to convert them, because according to their devout religious beliefs, they are compelled to then cut off your head, if you should dare try such a thing. It is a capital offense to try to convert a Muslim, according to Sharia law. That will not be the plan.

We are back to the drawing board. Since their religious beliefs compel them to fight earnestly non-Muslims, and since the US officials most assuredly risk getting their heads cut off if they suggest that these violent Muslims abandon such a faith, what in the world is left to discuss?

The only answer left should be dawning on those of you with spiritual discernment.

Leaving off that subject for just a moment, my heart has just been diverted to a few American citizens who did not have the benefit of peace talks with the Obama administration:

Obama's drones have killed three US citizens, without a formal charge, without a trial, simply by ambush and execution. The latest being on October 14, 2011, the assassination of a 16-year-old boy. Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was born in Denver, Colorado in 1995, but he was assassinated by Obama's drone in Yemen, while barbequing in a yard with his cousins.

In the meantime, members of the Taliban beheaded 17 Afghan citizens on August 26, 2012, for attending a local party where people were listening to music and dancing. Two women were among those beheaded in the southern Taliban-controlled region of Afghanistan. Under Taliban laws, all music and dancing are prohibited, except for certain religious music and Taliban chanting.

In summary, we have here an administration which assassinates a 16-year-old child, a US citizen, yet extends the "'left' hand of fellowship" (Obama is a lefty - in more than one manner) to those who behead people for singing and dancing at a local celebration. Does something seem amiss here?

You need to believe that there is something terribly sinister going on in the US and it has everything to do with the day and hour in which we live, prophetically speaking.

Let's summarize:

* Barack Obama, since taking office, has removed the Hamas terrorist group from our State Department's list of terrorists (replacing them with US Constitutionalists, Christians who believe in the last days prophecies, US veterans who have served in the Middle East!...).
* Barack Obama donated $40 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency to assist Palestinians, indeed terrorists and avowed annihilators of the nation of Israel.
* Barack Obama has sent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to Muslim nations to help build and refurbish mosques.
* Barack Obama has denied visas to Israeli scientists.
* Barack Obama has refused to sell the bunker-busting bomb to Israel, hindering Israel's ability to effectively defend himself against Iran's nuclear arms program and annihilation.
* Barack Obama has hindered sales of arms to Israel, while at the same time he has increased sales to Arab nations intent on destroying Israel.
* Barack Obama's White House website has removed Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
* Barack Obama deliberately snubbed Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his visit to the White House, excusing himself to have dinner with his family and by not inviting Netanyahu. This was a deliberate insult and is not done by diplomats in any country to a visiting head of state.
* Barack Obama wrote in his book, Audacity of Hope, "I will stand with them (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." pp 261 - paperback edition.

Barack Obama is not fighting Israel, he is fighting against God Almighty, according to Ezekiel 36:5, Zechariah 14, Ezekiel 38, Joel 3:2; but it has also been prophesied that those who come against Israel and Jerusalem will not win! God will destroy them all in the Valley of Jehoshaphat in the last days (Joel 3:2)!

Barack Obama has already made his position very clear in the book he wrote and he is posturing himself exactly has he has written. He calls himself a Christian, but his ideology is contrary to the Word of God. God Himself said,

"I will bless those who bless you (Israel) and curse him who curses you, and in you shall all the families of the earth be blessed" Genesis 12:3. In other words, all will be blessed among those who bless Israel, but those who devise evil against Israel are cursed by God Himself.

We are hinging on an hour prophesied by Zechariah, when he said that God will "gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle...Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations..." (Zechariah 14:1-3).

Yes, God Himself will bring them together to battle, to (try to) take the city of Jerusalem; He will actually bring them together to slaughter them, according to the Word of God. Whose side are you on?

The day of the Lord is near and we can discern this because Israel has become a nation (1948), he has taken Jerusalem for his capital (1967), and the leader of Israel's major ally, Barack Hussein Obama, is notably against Israel, which is a first for the United States, but it is prophetic. These are all signs of the last days and the impending battle to take Jerusalem from Israel, which was deeded to Israel by God Almighty Himself (Genesis 13:14-17, Genesis 15:19-21, Exodus 12:25, Exodus 32:13, Deuteronomy 3:18, Joshua 1:11-15...)

Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Bible prophecy reveals that the time is short and your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.


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