He did it again!  Last year, the public was astonished when Obama pictured the family dog - only the family dog - in front of the fireplace, as the official Christmas photo for the White House Christmas Cards.  This year, the same thing, except Bo is running in the snow in front of the White House.  I am convinced there is a subliminal message here; it actually appears very blatant to me!

The cards have absolutely no sentiments about Christmas at all.  Why even create a card?  Would they create a Ramadan card and not mention Ramadan?  No!  I have an idea why they are sending out Christmas cards with no sentiments about Christmas, with a dog on the front of the card.  Without elaborating any further, do you suppose that Obama would send out any type of notice regarding Ramadan, or any other Muslim holiday, and include a picture of his dog on the greeting?  I think not - not unless he would like to be decapitated by his "pleasant" friends!

"Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient" Romans 1:28. 

... which also reminds me... I received notification from the pastor of the local Church of God, which I appreciate, that Governor Jerry Brown signed into CA Law SB 1172, which basically bans any counseling and therapy for youth which does not affirm same sex attraction. 

The good news, at least for now, is that a federal judge blocked enforcement of the ban.  US District Judge William Shubb ruled four days ago that the new law, SB 1172, may inhibit the 1st Amendment rights of therapists who oppose homosexuality.  Thank God!

I pray often that God will have mercy on this nation while His people still occupy it.  The spirit of Antichrist is at work throughout the world to destroy faith, morality, families, churches, and everything that has to do with God and His people.  Nevertheless, the enemy is restrained to a certain degree, as long as God's people are here.

"The mystery of iniquity does already work in the world, only he who now lets (restrains) will let (restrain), until he is taken out of the way" 2 Thessalonians 2:7 (Amplified Bible). 

The Lord's return is imminent, as we see Bible prophecy unfolding.  Are you prepared to meet the Lord and give an account of the life you have lived here on earth?  If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Salvation is simple - it's only a prayer away.  God bless you.