Lindsay Wood, a 23-year-old woman from Shelby, North Carolina, had just returned home from Bible study, when a man walked into her home and slit her throat.  Her son was outside taking out the trash, when he heard his mother plead with her attacker, so he hid outside and listened, while his mother offered her car and cash on hand to the man.  He didn't want those items, but only seemed interested in hurting her.  She then opened her Bible, and even with her extensive throat injury, read the Bible to her attacker for about an hour and a-half.  "She even invited him to church," Shelby Police Captain Rick Stafford told the Shelby Star.  The man finally apologized and left, reported  Ms. Wood is currently on a ventilator and feeding tube at the hospital recovering from her injuries, according to the Gaston Gazette.

The Bible says, "The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" Hebrews 4:12.  The Word of God is often referred to as the "living Word of God," because the power associated with it is alive!  Ms. Wood's weapon, a two-edged sword, was obviously much more powerful than the attacker's weapon and the evil intentions of his heart.  When you are faced with the tragedy and grief of this evil time in which we live, call on the name of the Lord.  The Bible says, "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" Romans 10:13.  Do you know the Savior of the world?  If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.