This pathetic boys own parents stood among the crowd!  The Word of God says,

"Know you not that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to whom you obey, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" Romans 6:16.

Ever ask yourselves why such violence is commonplace in Muslim nations? Who do they serve? It isn't the real God of heaven, I can tell you that.

Excerpts taken from RT News:

A 15-year-old boy named Mohammad Qaata was overheard saying, "Even if the prophet Muhammad comes down (from heaven), I will not become a believer."

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, witnesses claim that an al-Qaeda opposition group kidnapped Qaata, then brought him back on Sunday to the place where he had been kidnapped with whiplash marks on his body.

They tortured this child before they brought him back to execute him.

One of the men said, "Generous citizens of Aleppo, disbelieving in god is polytheism and cursing the prophet is polytheism. Whoever curses even once will be punished like this." He then fired two bullets from an automatic rifle in view of the crowd and in front of the boy's mother and father and got into a car and left. He shot the child in the mouth and in the throat.

Next in the news today...
Excerpts taken from by Kerry Picket

Obama Administration Considers Resettling Thousands of Syrian Refugees in America

The Obama administration is considering resettling thousands of refugees who left Syria during the country's ongoing civil war to multiple towns and cities across the United States, reported the Los Angeles Times.

The Obama administration is "ready to consider the idea," if the administration receives a formal request from the United Nations, an official reported.

"It was probably inevitable that in this crisis, with these overwhelming numbers, governments would start moving in this direction," Lavinia Limon chief executive officer of the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, a Virginia-based advocacy and service group, told the Los Angeles Times, "but there will be resistance."

Of course there will be resistance. If Muslims can't even get along with each other and can't stop executing one another in the streets, why is it that America, or any other nation, should take them in to wreak havoc and mayhem in our nations?

There have been a number of reports of horrific brutality in Syria. A video spread throughout the internet last month showing an opposition member taking a bite out of a Syrian soldier's heart. Abu Sakkar, the leader of a group called the Independent Omar al-Farouq Brigade, an offshoot of the Free Syrian Army, says in the video, "I swear to god we will eat your hearts and your livers, you soldiers of Bashar the dog."

The Word of God says,

"Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners" 1 Corinthians 15:33.  "Wherefore, come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you" 2 Corinthians 6:17.

We are supposed to evangelize them and help them when they are in distress, this is true, but they should be evangelized in their own country and helped in their own place. The reason why God Himself instituted these instructions is because not only are we susceptible to evil influences, but most of us have children who are so much more impressionable. Do you want your children to be influenced by these people? The Qu'ran teaches them to behead and crucify people. Their boys are taught from a very young age that to die killing Christians or Jews will ensure that 70 of their relatives will enter heaven automatically, and they will receive 72 virgins for themselves (Hadith 2562 of
Sunan al-Tirmidhi; Sura 37:48; Sahih Bukhari 6199)! Think of your response very carefully.

Actually, whether or not the UN formally requests that Obama bring Muslims into the US is irrelevant; he will bring them in anyway. He has been bringing them in by the tens of thousands from the Middle East since he took office in 2008; it's all part of the caliphate plan - the antichrist kingdom formation.

Barack Obama, without Congress approval, helped supplant Middle Eastern leaders and bring about radical Muslim governance throughout the Middle East, which is unconstitutional. He has bilked billions of dollars from US taxpayers and exported it to Muslims in the Middle East, in the name of helping Arab Spring nations, in the name of helping refurbish mosques (why should we refurbish their mosques?), in the name of buying cooperation in Afghanistan, and the list goes on... It is called "political rape and pillage," which is what Muslims are famous for, and despite what the bought-and-paid-for US media would like to have you know, Obama's plans are purposeful and calculated, not accidental. After radical Muslims took over the Arab Spring nations, it was a popular saying among US media commentators to say, "He (Obama) didn't know what the outcome would be - it was a mistake." 

Why do I continue to write about these issues? It is extremely important for God's people to know how the antichrist is at work in the world today, so we will not be supportive of evil doers or devices, and we need to be prayerful and prepared for the stresses that lie ahead, until the Lord returns for us - and He will!

Bible prophecy points to the Lord's return in our generation. I am certain of that, simply because the Lord told me so, but that's not what I am promoting. My experiences are my own, between me and the Lord. I share them to encourage the saints, but I am promoting God's Holy Word. His Word stands alone. Hundreds of prophecies have already been fulfilled and the Lord will also return, as He promised.

Pray and read God's Holy Word and know it for yourself and you will understand what the Lord wants His people to know in these last days.

Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.