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Excerpts taken from Associated Press

The explosion of Java Island’s Mount Kelud volcano on Friday was heard 200 kilometers (125 miles) away, reported Indonesia’s disaster agency. 

Java is Indonesia’s most populated island. Authorities evacuated about 100,000 people after the sudden eruption, which blew ash 18 kilometers (12 miles) into the sky.

“The eruption sounded like thousands of bombs exploding,” Ratno Pramono said, a 35-year-old farmer who lives about five kilometers (three miles) from the crater. “I thought doomsday was upon us. Women and children were screaming and crying.”

Seven airports were closed, as ash fell in Surabaya, Indonesia’s second largest city, with a population of about 3 million. Farther away, in Yogyakarta, motorists turned on their headlights during the daytime on Friday.

A 60 year-old woman and an 80-year-old man died when roofs laden with volcanic ash caved in the roofs of their homes about seven kilometers (four miles) from the volcano. A 70-year-old man died when a wall collapsed on him while he was waiting to be evacuated, reported Indonesia’s disaster agency.

The Mount Sinabung volcano in North Sumatra erupted earlier this month, killing 16 people.

Mount Kelud erupted in 1990, killing 30 people at that time. Experts have advised people not to live close to the volcano, because it is one of the country’s most dangerous due to its crater lake and massive pyroclastic flows.

The Kelud volcano erupted only about 90 minutes after authorities elevated its alert status to the highest level.

These are signs of the last days, friends. The Word of God tells us that in the last days, we will see pretribulation warnings that the return of the Lord is at hand, and signs, reminding us to be ready for His return,

“I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath, blood, fire and vapor of smoke” Acts 2:19.

Since May 2011, I have reported 36 volcanic eruptions on this website, which averages to more than one erupton per month over the last 33 months! People have died and we see fire with pyroclastic flows and billowing smoke during these eruptions; fulfilling this prophecy of signs in the last days including “blood, fire and vapor of smoke!”

Enoch, the seventh from Adam also wrote,

“In those days, when He shall cast the calamity of fire upon you, where will you fly and where will you be safe?” Enoch 101:1.

These pretribulation judgments come about to warn people to repent, to avoid the great tribulation and wrath of God to come, as well as eternal hell fire for those who refuse to acknowledge God, or be obedient to His Word.

The Bible says,

"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God" Psalm 9:17.

Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.