An additional 3,300 ducks and chickens have been culled since yesterday's report.
ThanhNienNews (excerpts):  Bird flu has spread further in nine Vietnamese locations, with new infected flocks reported in Hai Phong and four more provinces, an agricultural official said.  Van Dang Ky, Head of the Epidemic Department at the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development, said a series of outbreaks have been discovered in Hai Phong, Thai Nguyen and Bac Giang in the Mekong Delta.  The virus was previously detected in flocks in five provinces, including Thanh Hoa and Hai Duong in the northern region, Quang Tri in central Viet Nam and Soc Trang in the Mekong Delta.  Ky said there is a very high chance the disease will continue to spread across the country.  He said local governments have been asked to be vigilant against further outbreaks, especially in the northern region where the H5N1 virus seems to have mutated and has resisted current vaccines.  Since 2003, bird flu outbreaks have killed and led to the forced culling of tens of millions of fowl in Viet Nam, which is among the countries most affected by H5N1.  According to a World Bank report in October 2011, 119 human cases of the disease were confirmed in Viet Nam as of March 2011, of which 59 were fatal. 

Commentary:  The prophet Hosea said that in the last days, the animals will die, "The land will mourn and everyone that dwells in it will languish, with the beasts of the field, the fowls of heaven, yes, the fishes of the sea will also be taken away" Hosea 4:3.  Since last year, record numbers of fowl, fish and land animals have died.  Jesus said, "Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in various places" Matthew 24:7.  Just as the swine flu, the bird flu mutates and affects humans.  This is a list of nations currently affected by bird flu:  * Notice out of the 20 nations listed, these are predominantly Muslim nations and other nations who worship false gods.  The USA, Israel and Canada are not among them, neither is any other predominantly Christian nation!  You would think these people might get the message...
1)    Azerbaijan
2)    Bangladesh
3)    Cambodia
4)    China
5)    Djibouti
6)    Egypt
7)    Indonesia
8)    Iraq
9)    Lao PDR
10)  Myanmar
11)  Nigeria
12)  Pakistan
13)  Tailand
14)  Turkey
15)  Viet Nam
16)  Nepal
17)  Hong Kong
18)  India
19)  Iran
20)  South Africa
Source:  Public Health Agency of Canada