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Update: This video will remain on this page, unless/until the slaughter of Christians in Syria and Iraq stops! We owe it to the dead, especially those killed in this manner, to display the truth about the beasts that have slaughtered them!
The following video has been shown before, but I am compelled to run it again because people throughout the world need to know what is happening to Christians in Syria, Iraq and in various other places throughout the Middle East. Our propagandized media is not releasing this information! The Word of God tells us that God’s people will be beheaded for their faith during the tribulation (Revelation 20:4), and Jesus said concerning the last days, “There shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world, no, nor ever shall be” Matthew 24:21. That hour is upon us, folks!
Are you ready to face God?

Hit hard by Obamacare? It would be well worth your while to compare plans and rates among these Christian healthcare cooperatives. They are inexpensive and meet the federal mandates of the new healthcare law:

Christian Healthcare Ministries (

Samaritan Ministries (

Medi-Share (

This administration is pressing hard against the American people to protest and riot, but don’t fall for it!

All written publications on this site, every page, may be copied and shared for evangelistic purposes. Did Jesus say, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," "and make sure you copyright it!" I think not. God bless you with the Light of the world. 

Man Lives "Pretty Well" Without Money?

Posted by L A on Friday, March 1, 2013 Under: DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA

Living "pretty well," according to HuffPost!

In addition to many recent reports about how people do extraordinary things to save money, going so far as to filming reality TV programs about how to save, or live beyond frugal, Huffington Post included an article today about a German man, Raphael Fellmer, his wife and 17-month-old daughter who live in Berlin without money.

Fellmer told Huffington Post reporter, Catherine New, that his money strike began in 2010, when he, his family and other like-minded friends hitchhiked (on a boat) from Europe across Latin America to Mexico City to attend a friend's wedding, then across the US and back to Europe.  While on the road, they asked fast food restaurants for donations. 

I was taken aback by the fact that this HuffPost reporter had not one negative word to say about a man setting out on the road (no food, no money, no method of transportation) with his family, including his 17-month-old daughter!  In fact, the article even glamorized his spontaneous, impoverished lifestyle as "living pretty well" without using money.  The reporter wrote that when Fellmer needs food, clothes or other items, he "scavenges through the trash."  How glamorous is that?

Certainly, there are homeless people who have taken whatever means necessary to survive.  However, the article states Fellmer is on a "money strike," so he apparently does not want to use money, but would rather live "on the fly" with his wife and baby.  He said if he finds money on the street, he leaves it there. 

One report explained how a "millionaire" dug through trash bins for food to save money.  Let's face it, either that person has a mental problem, or the story flat out isn't true. 

Mainstream news media in America is so propagandized, the written strategies are so obvious, they practically come off the page and slap you in the face!  It would seem that the government/media/elites (conjoined) would have us become acquainted with digging through trash and hitchhiking with babies in arm in order to survive.  Hummmm, does that send up a red flag for you?

The Bible says, " answers all things."  King Solomon stated this, as a fact of life.  We are not supposed to love money, or put our focus on money, or worry about it.  Nevertheless, it is as essential as shelter and clothing in this world.  Anyone who would try to tell us otherwise, has a different objective - other than truth that is. 

A secular, Godless media would have us feel comfortable believing otherwise.  Do they know something that many Americans don't?  This reminds me of the story about a frog in cold water, tolerating the heat as it is gradually turned up.

After informing His disciples of events which would precede His return, Jesus said "Now learn a parable of the fig tree. When his branch is yet tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near" Matthew 24:32.  Earlier, in the same chapter, Jesus described some events which would prelude His return, "Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places" Matthew 24:7.  These things are all happening in the world today. 

We need to discern the times we are living in.  Are you living only by what you know in a natural sense, or do you have the Spirit of God to discern the things that are spiritual?  The Word of God says, "The natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" 1 Corinthians 2:14. 

If you haven't received the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  Your eternal destiny depends on it.  God bless you.


Tags: "money strike" "media propaganda" 


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