A Catholic Archbishop, Bishop Malachy, who lived in the 1100s, left his position in the church and went on to write prophecies relating to visions he said God gave him concerning future Popes, with amazing accuracy, and the future of the apostate church.  He wrote that the 112th Pope from his day, the Pope who will be elected after Benedict XVI, will be the last Pope before the return of the Lord. 

Those who are aware of the Malachy prophecies, otherwise known as the Prophecy of the Popes, are very much stirred right now about what will happen next, since Pope Benedict XVI has resigned effective the end of this month, and a new Pope will be elected soon.  The Catholic hierarchy has announced they expect to conduct the conclave by the end of March.

Whether or not Bishop Malachy's prophecies were all God-inspired remains to be seen; but with all that is happening in the world today, with many Bible prophecies being fulfilled right before our eyes in this generation, I believe his visions and prophecies could very well have been inspired of God.  I do know this through my own dreams and visions and by what I see going on throughout the world, that we are hinging on the edge of eternity and the Lord's return is imminent, according to Bible prophecy. 

Have you read the Word of God for yourself, or are you possibly relying on what others are telling you is truth?  Each one of us has a responsibility to at least compare what we hear and believe to the infallible Word of God.  Jesus said in Matthew 24 that false Christ's would come and deceive many (verse 5).  How will anyone know who a false Christ is, without first knowing what the Word of God says?  The nearly 1,000 (that's a lot of people!) who were deceived and massacred, or committed suicide, at the Jonestown Temple in Guyana, didn't have to be deceived and lured into a tragic death by a charlatan, a false Christ, if they had only known the Word of God for themselves.  It is imperative that you know God's Holy Word, otherwise, you will certainly be deceived!

Jesus said concerning the last days, "False Christs will arise, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible, they would deceive the very elect" Matthew 24:24. 

With this warning, right from the mouth of our Lord and Savior, how important do you suppose it is that you know the Word of God for yourself?  If you don't own a Bible, get one!  I suggest the New King James Version, as it deviates the least from the original Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament), but is much easier to read than the original King James Version.  A good online Bible resource is Biblegateway.com.  There are also commentaries which explain the Bible verse by verse.  I highly recommend BibleStudyTools.com/Commentaries which includes numerous commentaries; and at that website, I recommend the Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Concise - for beginners), (Complete - for seasoned believers). 

If you haven't received Jesus as your Savior, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website; your eternal destiny depends on it.  The Bible says, "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" Hebrews 9:27.  God bless you.