If you aren't a farmer, or a resident who is trying to grow a vegetable garden in your front yard, you may not have noticed just how controlling, oppressive, dictatorial and Socialistic the Environmental Protection Agency is in America.  Many residents have been targeted, oppressed, fined and banned from growing vegetables on their own property. 

Businesses trying to sell organic foods and raw milk are being fined and forced out of business by the EPA.  Farmers are being told what they can grow and what the can't grow on their own farms.  Farmers are being oppressed, suppressed, depressed and forced into bankruptcy, or out business by the EPA all over the nation; it's all to "protect you."  I wasn't aware of the fact that we needed that much protection from ourselves, were you? 

Sedgwick, Maine isn't putting up with the EPA, or any kind of oppression by what has become a Socialist government (right under our noses) in the US.  The town passed an ordinance giving citizens in Sedgwick the right to produce, process, sell, purchase and consume local foods of their choosing.  This includes raw milk, locally slaughtered meats, and just about anything else you can imagine, reported FoodRenegade.com. 

Sedgwick's ordinance stipulates,

"It shall be unlawful for any law or regulation adopted by the state or federal government to interfere with the rights recognized by this ordinance.  Patrons purchasing food for home consumption may enter into private agreements with those producers or processors of local foods, to waive any liability for the consumption of that food.  Producers or processors of local foods shall be exempt from licensure and inspection requirements for that food as long as those agreements are in effect."

Other towns in Maine are drafting their own similar ordinances.

If cities and counties throughout the nation would do the same, I imagine the Bilderberg puppets, such as Obama and his administration, or subsequent presidents after him (all puppets of the Bilderbergs) would have to back off, or start a civil war.  I believe we still have enough grassroots Constitutionalists in this nation to stand up and stand together in that event. 

Aren't you tired of being oppressed, suppressed and depressed?  Especially you Christians out there, many of you have children in public schools.  Why aren't Christian groups out there raising cane about public schools teaching your children they evolved from apes? which has been refuted by mathematicians as an impossibility.  Do you like the fact that they teach your children explicit sexual behaviors in elementary school and how to become homosexuals?  There are a staggering number of issues out there that need to be dealt with, but most people, even Christians, just go along.   

There are a number of us out there who refuse to place our children in such Godless environments, at a high price; but really, can you put a price tag on the mind, soul and body of your children?  I'm not talking necessarily about "high price," as in money.  There are Christians who can group together and alternate teaching their children on their respective days off.  There are a lot of choices, if you will just seek and pray them out, or are you conceding to raising your children to end up in hell fire?  That probably offends many of you, but I can't help that; the truth is the truth.  What price have you placed on the souls of your children today?  If you need more information about alternatives, please visit the Home Education page of this website. 

There are others who have moved their families to rural areas and they have planted their own crops, they raise their own animals and they home educate their children.  If enough people would stand together, the feds couldn't get away with what they are doing all over the nation.  God bless Sedgwick!  I pray many more towns, cities and counties rise up and out of this Godless, atheistic oppression!

The EPA doesn't have their noses on everyone's farm and private property to "save us from ourselves."  They have a much bigger agenda in mind and if you have read about Agenda 21, you will understand the plan actually is not to "save us," but to "do away with us" and put the rest in communal settings.  If you aren't aware of Agenda 21, follow this link for more information: Agenda 21.  We have some serious problems emerging in the nation, while most people are spiritually and socially asleep. 

The Word of God tells us that a world dictator will arise and he will control everything, right down to what everyone buys and sells!  Can you discern his emergence? 

"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, bond and free, to receive a mark in their right hand or their foreheads, that no man may buy or sell. except he who has the mark, the name of the beast (antichrist), or the number of his name.  Here is wisdom.  Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred, sixty-six" Revelation 13:16-18. 

This is coming down the pike, friends, and quickly.  These events are signs that the Lord's return is impending.  Are you ready to stand before Him?  If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  Salvation is free and it's only a prayer away.  God bless you.