I watched a very interesting video yesterday published by CTNN.  The host interviewed a police Lieutenant McCoy in North Carolina.  Lt. McCoy told his interviewer that the police in North Carolina are training for martial law and he specifically said they, the police, are "expecting it to happen."  He said that things are "going downhill very quickly" and that law enforcement agencies in North Carolina have started training to use military drones against the population during martial law.

The Lieutenant went on to say that the ATF and US Marshall are recruiting from law enforcement agencies in North Carolina and the recruits from law enforcement will be issued "unmarked cruisers," once they have joined forces with the US Marshall and ATF.  Training will start next week for the officers who volunteered to join.  He said those who have volunteered for this training are interested in training to use drones.  He said he has been with law enforcement for 31 years and he has never seen anything like it. 

McCoy said that the governor in North Carolina is "one of the governors picked by President Obama to take control under martial law."  He predicts that within the next few months these agencies and those law enforcement officers who have trained with them will begin picking people out, start confiscations and arresting people.   

As I awoke on the morning of November 27, 2011, the Word of the Lord came to me very distinctly and clearly, "With the sleight of hand, the nations will be turned upside down" (this was noted at that time on the Prophecy page of this website).  In order to appreciate exactly what the Lord said, I went to the dictionary and looked up "sleight of hand."  It said, "A feat so deftly done that the manner of execution cannot be observed." 

God is speaking to His people, friends.  This is information that generally the world is not paying attention to.  When something like this does happen, it will take the nation, most of the nation, by complete surprise.  There are those, nevertheless, who are informed.  The Lieutenant who was willing to speak on CTNN was, in fact, a Christian.  He said he will refuse to participate.  He advised everyone else to "prepare." 

The Word of God tells us, "When they shall say, 'Peace and Safety,' then sudden destruction will come upon them, as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape" 1 Thessalonians 5:3. 

I am not sharing this information to alarm anyone; I am sharing the information so people will get right with God, pray and "be prepared."  It is significant, I believe, that as I was referencing my diary for this article, to check the date when the Word of the Lord came to me as I awoke, I discovered that exactly one year earlier - to the day - on November 27, 2010, I had a vision of the Lord passing in front of me and He turned to look at me as He passed by.  This occurred as I was praying at about 2:30 AM, and the Spirit of the Lord blessed me immensely at that moment and the Lord made me know that He is mindful of me, that He is with me and He will never forsake me, Praise the Lord!  I wrote in my diary that the scripture immediately came to me, "Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have; for He has said, 'I will never leave you, nor forsake you'" Hebrews 13:5.

Are you saved?  The Lord has promised to never leave or forsake His people.  Do you have that blessed assurance today?  If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God loves you and He isn't willing that anyone should perish, but that all would come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).

The video can be viewed through this link:
NC Police Lieutenant Warns of Martial Law.