Jordanian police said on Sunday they found the burned body of a pregnant woman in her twenties, whose belly had been cut open, showing her unborn baby, and whose throat had been slit in an apparent "honor killing," reported AFP.

"We found the body of the woman at dawn in Ruseifeh (east of Amman). Her throat was slit in a hideous way. The body was burned after the murder. We believe it was an honor crime. The belly of the woman, who was in her twenties, was cut open and we could see her four month old unborn child, who was dead too. Investigations are still underway," a police spokesman said.

"Honor killings" are an important part Muslim culture and religion. Those killings performed on account of "apostasy" are especially vital in their adherence to Islam, as outlined in the Qu'ran.

This seems to be an appropriate time to reprint an article I published on July 5, 2011, titled
Honor Killings:

Below are just a "few" victims among those who were "fortunate" enough to survive.  Victims of maiming, or attempted murder, for "dishonoring" their families! 

Dearborn, Michigan is practically owned by Muslims and Obama is migrating them into the US by the tens of thousands. 

According to Walid Shoebat, a former PLO Terrorist from Bethlehem (, Muslims laugh at the Americans.  He said they make fun of us, saying they don't have to strike jihad ("holy war") in America, because Americans are so stupid they (Muslims) can take over from within the US.  The US is being too "politically correct" to even survive!  Christians are being tortured, murdered and burned alive in Muslim nations, yet we allow them to move in to America and we smile and say, "welcome."  Wake up America! 

Regardless of the lies they tell (and they are allowed to lie to further Islam; it is called "Al-taqiyya") they all believe that eventually all Christians and Jews should and will be killed, if they do not convert to Islam.  Guess who they actually believe is going to kill all of the Christians when their Mahdi (messiah) arrives?  Jesus!  Yes, that's right, their holy books teach them that Jesus (Isa) will return with the Mahdi and that he will denounce Christianity and try to get everyone to convert to Islam. If they do not convert to Islam, he will kill them. (Qu'ran sura 43, ayat 57-67; Sahih al-Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 656). 

Muslims, by their religion, are dangerous people. They intend to kill all of us who do not convert to Islam.  They all need to be deported.  The Bible says,

"Mark those
who cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them" Romans 16:17.  How do we avoid them in our own country?  It's a thing called DEPORTATION.

Yes, we should try to convert them first, leading them to the true God and show them the way to peace and life everlasting. Fathers, you need to pray and watch over your daughters and teach them the truth about Islam. There are many Middle Eastern Arabs in our schools today.

Barack Obama's daughters are heavily guarded by men with assault weapons.

Link to video on President Obama's thoughts on Muslims: Obama - His Own Words