We have your money and you can't have it!

Bank of America has reportedly frozen the account of gun manufacturer American Spirit Arms, according to its owner, Joe Sirochman, reported CNSNews.com. 

In his Facebook post dated December 29, 2012, Sirochman wrote:

My name is Joe Sirochman owner of American Spirit Arms...our Web site orders have jumped 500 percent causing our Web site e-commerce processing larger deposits to Bank of America.  So they decided to hold the deposits for further review.  After countless hours on the phone with Bank of America, I finally got a manager in the right department that told me the reason that the deposits were on hold for further review -- her exact words were -- "We believe you should not be selling guns and parts on the internet."

Sirochman also wrote that he told the manager that "they do not have the right to make up their own new rules and regs" and that American Spirit manufactures firearms with a proper license.  He said he had been doing business with Bank of America for more than 10 years, but will now look for a new bank.

Unlawful News reported this isn't the first time Bank of America has targeted a client in the firearms business.  Bank of America informed McMillan Group International, their client of 12 years, that their business was no longer welcome once they started manufacturing firearms. 

I'm not at all surprised.  I opened a savings account at Bank of America when I was about six years old through a program at school.  I took my bankbook into Bank of America 12 years later and I was told that my account was inactive for too long, so they refused to give me my money, or pay me the interest owed to me over the course of 12 years!  

Bank of America is tied in with those who are actually running this nation, and the world, with their financial leverage.  They all appear to be just waiting for our 2nd Amendment rights to be overthrown and all firearms confiscated.  I don't believe the bank would venture something as bold as this illegal freeze on the American Spirit Arms account without some political backing.  This activity has the stench of a Socialist dictatorship already!   

The Nazis confiscated guns before they rounded up millions and put them into concentration camps, then gas chambers, and then crematorium ovens!  The Germans were not the first, and since history consistently repeats itself, it seems certain they won't be the last to confiscate firearms, then effect genocide. 
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the world is about 86 percent overpopulated (and they have plans in motion to do something about it).  While the American people are armed to the teeth, that task, or any other of their outrageous plans for us, places a "wrench in their machine." 

For those Christians who are still not convinced, I would like to pose this question, Do you honestly believe that the Antichrist will come into power, as the Word of God tells us he will (2 Thessalonians 2:3, Revelation 13:6-8), and allow any of the world's citizens to bear arms?  The Antichrist will control who can buy or sell and he will force everyone to receive a mark in their right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16-18).  With that much dictatorial control, do you really believe anyone will be allowed to own guns?  Don't be deceived.  All real human rights will be taken away from the populations of the world and this is what the leaders of the remaining democracies are working on right now, except Israel. 

No doubt, this is exactly one of the reasons why Obama just appointed Chuck Hagel to head the Pentagon.  Hagel is notoriously hostile toward Israel, but soft on issues concerning Iran (Obama has to love this guy!).  Hagel voted against economic sanctions on Tehran because of their nuclear threat, not only to Israel, but to America! 

The world "powers that be" do not want us to defend ourselves against thieves, terrorists, murderers and especially not them!  Nevertheless, top officials all around the world, including Obama, wouldn't walk out of their front doors without armed security and their own concealed weapons.  They believe they have the right and privilege to defend themselves and their families, but since you and I are dispensable and of no concern, they don't want us to have the same rights.

Unless the world is free of violent criminals, everyone should be able to defend themselves.  We have a God-given, constitutional right to defend ourselves and our families, just as much as top government officials do.  Some Christians do not agree.  What, then, do you think about what Jesus said to His apostles?  "...He who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one" Luke 22:36. 

Jesus knew the Romans would invade Israel and He encouraged them to prepare.  He never asked anyone to be a martyr, or worse yet, watch their families being slaughtered. 

Nazi doctors performed hideous, excruciatingly painful experiments, not only on adults, but CHILDREN!  One of their experiments was to determine pain tolerance levels.  The infamous Dr. Mengele sewed twins together, back to back.  Their parents smothered them to death when they returned to the camp to end their suffering!  He injected dye into their eyes to determine if he could change the color of their eyes!  By the way, the United States secretly brought some Nazi physicians and scientists to the United States in order to gain knowledge from their experiments, "Operation Paperclip!"  Look it up.         

It's all coming down the pike very quickly, folks.  There are things going on in this nation and the world that would send people running to hide in caves, unless they know how to rely on God and His promise to "never leave us or forsake us" (Hebrews 13:5).

Are you saved?  Are you ready for the return of the Lord?  If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  Salvation is easy - it's only a prayer away.  God bless you.