The Word of God says, "...I will cut off the pride of the Philistines (ancient Palestinians - same people), and I will take away his blood out of his mouth and his abominations from between his teeth; but he that remains, even he, will be for our God..." Zechariah 9:7-8. 

Zechariah, as did other prophets, prophesied about the return of the Lord and the blessings that would follow at the end of the age.  They also told about the coming fate of the Godless and wicked.  The Word of the Lord given to Zechariah here in chapter nine explains how the pride of the Philistines (ancient Palestinians) would be cut off, his bloodshed and devouring would be stopped, and those who remain would be for the one and only true God of heaven and earth. 

We are living in perilous times, the last days before the return of the Lord, friends.  You need only read Bible prophecy and look around you at what is happening in the world today to realize that the return of the Lord and the end of the age is near.  I will give you one example, among so many, of a "type and shadow" of the impending fulfillment of prophecy, an incident indicative of future judgment: 

Rudy Eugene, 31 years old.
On May 26, 2012, 31-year-old Rudy Eugene attacked Ronald Poppo, a homeless man in Miami, Florida, eating off most of the man's face, before an officer could intervene, shooting Eugene to death.  One warning shot did not stop Eugene.  After being shot, he only turned to the officer with blood and flesh hanging from his mouth, growling like a dog, then went back to further gnaw and chew Poppo's face off.  The officer then had to pump Eugene full of bullets in order to stop his attack. 

This crime was about as violent as you can get.  Moments before his attack against Mr. Poppo, who was resting on a sidewalk, Eugene was seen walking in the area of Miami Beach, Florida, tearing out the pages of a Bible.  Eugene had been studying/comparing both the Bible and the Qu'ran, but the Qu'ran remained in his car unscathed, while Eugene went walking the streets of Miami ripping the Bible apart.  Moments later, he became as a wild ape, tearing his clothes off and swinging naked on a streetlight.  Then a witness described Eugene as "tearing the homeless man to pieces with his mouth," before bullets stopped the attack.  "The guy just kept eating the other guy away, like ripping his skin."  He said after the policeman yelled at Eugene to stop, the naked man raised his head "with pieces of flesh in his mouth," he growled, and began chewing again.  Eugene's autopsy revealed he had "human flesh lodged between his teeth" and he obviously had human blood in his mouth. 

Can you see the parallel here?  The Bible says, "Know this, that in the last days perilous times shall come." 2 Timothy 3:1.  Among the descriptions made later in 2 Timothy 3, about people living in the last days, are that they will become "incontinent (out of control)" and "fierce (wild and savage)."  We are seeing this happen throughout the world right now, unlike any time before. 

I believe it is pertinent to recognize that Eugene, who became "incontinent and fierce" was reading the Qu'ran and the Bible and he was seen tearing the Bible apart before he became a wild man, with human flesh and blood in his mouth

The Palestinians worship Allah and they are extremely violent people, cutting off the heads of "apostates" and killing their own women (honor killings), because of their
pride, on a regular basis throughout the Middle East. 

I invite you to look at the scripture, Zechariah 9:7-8, as it is written at the beginning of this article, and make the connection between the Palestinians, Eugene and his Qu'ran (Palestinian bible), and what the prophet said in Zechariah 9:7-8.  God is going to "cut off the pride of the Philistines" when Jesus returns.  If you honestly cannot see this connection, even by what happened to Rudy Eugene as he literally ate the flesh off of a man, it is time to wake up, read God's Word, and pray for spiritual sight, before it is too late. 

If you haven't received Jesus as your Savior, the one who died for your sins and mine, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.