The Orlando Sentinel reports that detectives began an investigation of a "possible relationship" between Kacy Christine Wilson, a 28-year-old teacher at Osceola High School in Kissimmee, Florida, and a 16-year-old student in October 2011.  Wilson is accused of calling the boy's teacher to claim he left something in her classroom.  Once he arrived in her classroom, she is said to have had illicit sexual contact with him in the closet. 

When investigators confronted Wilson in October, she refuted the allegations, resigned her position and moved to Colorado.  Last month, the student admitted the "relationship" and Wilson was arrested and extradited back to Florida to face charges.  She is currently being held on $85,000 bond. 

I am going to include a list of other teachers and school officials who have been arrested for sexually molesting students - only the tip of the iceberg:
(Link to WND's Big List of Female Teachers who have been accused and/or convicted of molesting students). The WND link provides 13 pages, yes 13 PAGES of teachers, more than I could list here.

Stephanie Cobb:  Cobb was arrested in March 2012, for sexually molesting a 16-year-old student.  She also exchanged 12,000 texts with the boy over the course of four months.

Stefanie Dickinson:  A Colorado School Board member charged with internet luring of a child in September 2011, after she was caught sending text messages with sexual content to a 14-year-old boy.  The boy reported to police he felt uncomfortable after she showed up at his football games.  She was arrested in October 2011 for the sexual assault of another student.

George Hernandez:  A substitute teacher in Los Angeles, California's second-largest school district.  Hernandez was questioned three times for sexual misconduct with students.  Hernandez fled to Mexico when police found video evidence of him molesting a second-grade (7-year-old) girl.  He remains at large and is wanted by the Huntington Park Police Department.

Lauren Redfern:  A Colorado High School teacher charged with the sexual assault of a child by a person in a position of trust.  Suspicions arose after she was sexually molesting a 17-year-old student over the course of four months.

Heather Whitten:  A 38-year-old teacher at Williams Intermediate School in Alabama was arrested in February 2012 for raping a male student between the ages of 12 to 16. 

Andrea Ebert:  A 30-year-old special education teacher at Rice Lake Middle School in Wisconsin was jailed in February 2012, after she allegedly sexually molested two 17-year-old students.

Mark Berndt:  A 61-year-old Los Angeles, California school teacher arrested for FELONY MOLESTATION OF 23 KIDS after photos surfaced.  He has been arrested for committing lewd acts with 23 boys and girls ages 7 to 10.  (How would you like to realize you sent your child off to school to be with this devil from hell every day?)
Jennifer Shultz:  A North Dakota school teacher charged with sexually assaulting two of her students, after a group of students arrived at her home and asked if she would like to drink vodka with them.  (You have to ask yourself, Why did these children know where their teacher lived in the first place?  Then you have to ask yourself, Why did they feel at ease asking her to drink with them?  Answer:  Bad behavior from the teacher right from the start.)

Kelly K. Miller:  A 32-year-old teacher in Chicago was charged with sexual exploitation of a child on September 27, 2011, after sending explicit photos of herself to a 15-year-old student.

Pamela Jones Rogers Turner:  A 34-year-old teacher who served jail time for sexually abusing a 13-year-old boy, and who is now serving a prison sentence for sending inappropriate photos and videos of herself to the same boy after she served her first sentence.  (Demon possessed, I would say.  A 13-year-old!!)

Debra Lafave:  A 31-year-old middle school teacher who plead guilty to two counts of lewd and lascivious battery against a 14-year-old student!  (She avoided prison in a plea agreement!  Notice how the pretty ones get off.  What kind of justice is that?  The article in the Huffington Post described her crime as a "sexual liaison with a 14-year-old student!"  How does this sexual molestation/battery constitute a "liaison" for crying OUT LOUD!)

Amber Jennings:  A Shepherd Hill Regional High School teacher was arraigned in Worchester, Massachusetts Superior Court on February 24, 2005.  Jennings plead guilty to disseminating harmful materials to a minor.  She was sentenced to two years probation.  The crime involved a 16-year-old student.

Carrie McCandless:  A teacher at Brighton Charter High School in Colorado was convicted of an inappropriate sexual relationship with a student on June 8, 2007.  She was sentenced to 45 days in jail and five years probation on a four year deferred sentence.  In May 2011, McCandless was sentenced to another 60 days in jail for parole violation!  (Like I said, the pretty justice!)

Wendie Schweikert:  A 36-year-old Belton County, South Carolina elementary school teacher was arrested and charged with two counts of criminal sexual conduct with a minor.  The fifth-grade teacher was accused of sexually abusing an 11-year-old student.  She was sentenced to 10 years after pleading guilty in 2007.

Tara Driscoll:  A 33-year-old New York City teacher pleaded guilty to the sexual abuse of a student and received a sentence of six years probation.
Rachel L Holt:  A teacher at Claymont Elementary School was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the sexual abuse of a 13-year-old student.  The prosecutor wanted the maximum sentence of 25 years.

Holly Hatcher:  A Gallatin High School teacher in Nashville, Tennessee was charged with the statutory rape of a 17-year-old male student.

Angela Renee Comer:  A 28-year-old Tomkinsville, Kentucky school teacher was charged with the sexual abuse of a 14-year-old middle school student and running away to Mexico with him.  She was sentenced to two five-year prison terms in May 2007. 

Brittni Nicole Colleps:  A 27-year-old teacher was charged with sexually abusing five high school students on May 16, 2011.  She faces 20 years in prison.

Stacy Shuler:  A 33-year-old Ohio school teacher was convicted on October 27, 2011, of sexually abusing five students.  Shuler was sentenced to four years in prison. 

Mary Kay Letourneau:  A middle school teacher was arrested, convicted and sentenced to 7 1/2 years in prison for sexually abusing a sixth-grade (11-year-old!) student, with whom she had two children!  Letourneau was sentenced to 7 1/2 years only after violating her original sentence of probation with the same victim.  Vili Fualaau, the child victim, and Letourneau married after her release from prison, when Fualaau turned 18!

Are you totally sick yet?  Good thing I didn't spend all week long uploading dozens more cases of sexual abuse in the schools.  Do you now think there are possible repercussions to teaching God's children that they evolved from monkeys, teaching sex education starting with kindergarteners, and now teaching them it's okay to be homosexuals?  This is detestable in the eyes of God, who created us, and whose Holy Word describes such things as abominations: "For this cause, God gave them up to vile affections; even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature, and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the women, burned in lust toward one another, men with men working that which is grossly improper, and receiving in themselves that chastisement of their error, which is just (AIDS?).  Because they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not decent" Romans 1:26-28 (also Leviticus 18:22).  If you have school-aged children and you are now ready to consider giving your children a Godly education at home, please visit the Home Education page of this website.  * I know some people are struggling as single parents and there seems no way out of the school system.  I will say this, PRAY daily and PRAY over your children before you send them to school.  When they arrive home, spend time with them and pray with them again.  Teach them the Word of God at every opportunity.  Don't give up.  God is the same miracle-working God today, as He was yesterday - and forever.  He can make a way when there seems to be no way.  If possible, now is the time to sacrifice all that you can for your children; tomorrow could be too late.  God bless you.