Active Fire Mapping for the US

There are currently 72 fires raging throughout the western United States.  According to the map, it looks like half of Idaho is literally on fire!  California and Nevada are in serious trouble as well.  

Last year, Mexico suffered some serious fires and Obama sent our firefighting planes to help put out their fire.  About the same time, Texas called the White House for help for their out-of-control fires, but they didn't even get the courtesy of a response.  What does that tell you about the devil sitting in the White House?  If you haven't read June 16's article about "Wildfires Burn Hundreds of Thousands of Acres in the US," it is an eye opener and recommended reading about Obama's liberal objectives concerning fires in the US, as well as about anything else that will bring her to her knees. 

Obama is crushing America, as her citizens sleep, party, go on vacations - or end up in a tent city somewhere due to his massive spending, economic policies and behind-the-scenes anti-American antics. 

Well, lets see, Obama consistently continues to send hundreds of millions of dollars to Muslim nations, in addition to the $3 BILLION DOLLARS he pledged to Arab Spring nations during the G8 Summit (while tent cities continue to pop up all over America and the unemployment rate continues to soar); he put his "foot on" the XL Pipeline project by veto, which would have provided about 20K desperately needed jobs to the unemployed, not to mention the critical oil it would have brought into the US from Canada (causing us to rely more heavily on Muslim nations for oil); thousands of oil wells continue to be capped throughout the US by Obama's administration, leaving us at the mercy of the head-chopping, terrorist bombing, plane hijacking/crashing, honor killing Muslim nations!!; all this while our nation is crashing economically; and a wonderful "top-it-all-off" signing of the National Defense Authorization Act, which Obama signed on New Year's Eve giving himself dictatorial powers to arrest and detain US citizens indefinitely without a trial!!! 

One might ask why in the world he thinks he should sign such a bill.  If we ponder that for just a moment, we might conclude that after Obama completely destroys what he considers to be "colonialistic America" economically, there would most likely be rioting in the streets, which would allow him the great pleasure of declaring martial law and arresting and detaining - indefinitely - without a trial - those who refuse to take anymore of his dictatorial, destructive government "sitting down." 

If you are going out to movies, I hope you see 2016 Obama's America, so you can at least cast an informed vote in November.

The Bible says that in the last days, one-third of the trees and all the grass will be burned up (Revelation 8:7).  With the solar flares still ahead and the wildfires raging such as they are, we are well on our way to the end of days.  If you haven't received Jesus Christ as your Savior, the only hope for escape from the great tribulation coming upon the earth, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.