A floor fight erupted Wednesday night at the Democratic National Convention, after an attempt at damage control.  The Democrats were criticized for not including "God or Jerusalem as Israel's capital" in their platform, which obviously upset Jews and members of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). 

Obama later decided that was a mistake, and after having the chairman, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, try to introduce these issues, he was booed down.  A large and loud group of delegates shouted "no" Wednesday, as the chairman called for the vote.  After Villaraigosa affirmed a positive vote, on the third try, many booed his decision, reported Fox News. 

The Democrats' initial language omitted any and all references to God or Jerusalem being Israel's capital.  Mitt Romney told Fox News that not including the capital language in the initial platform was an example of "Israel being thrown under the bus by the president." 

After the Republicans criticized the Democrats, Obama said they had made a mistake and made an attempt to insert the language into their platform, in the face of strong protests. 

This is evidence that most Democrats have no respect for God or Israel and their agenda is evil.  If you view the basic issues of the Democrats, you can't help but come to the same conclusion:

*    Pro abortion
*    Pro gay marriage
*    Pro homosexual sex education in schools
*    Socialist-Marxist ideology
*    Institutes dictatorial powers
*    Pushes welfare state agenda
*    Advocates New World Order
*    Advocates open borders with gang-plagued, murder-plagued Mexico
*    Advocates big government at a big taxpayer expense
*    Pushed national debt into the outer limits, over $16 trillion this year

Is it not very obvious to see the sheer evil in all of this?  Obama has been exposed!

"The vile person shall no more be called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful, for the vile person will speak villany and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocracy and to utter error against the Lord, to make empty the soul of the hungry and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.  The instruments of the churl are evil; he devises wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speak right" Isaiah 32:5-7.

Obama's agenda for the next four years is to finish destroying America economically.  This is a necessary factor in subduing America and breaking her down "even" with the rest of the nations.  The fact that many will lose everything and people will begin to starve in America is of no consequence to Obama.  Their thinking is "the necessary evil for the overall good."  This is the Bilderberg agenda; this is Obama's agenda. 

John Fenn was ordained an Apostle in our generation by Jesus.  Jesus visits with John, giving him revelations and some insight on future events.  Jesus recently told John that Mitt Romney was winning the presidential election.  There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is true, simply because I know John Fenn, my spirit bears witness with the truth in him, and his calling is sure. 

I don't believe Jesus told John emphatically that Mitt Romney will actually take the presidential office, but as I understand it, Jesus told him Romney is winning the election.  The reason I am making this differentiation is because it is certainly one thing to win, but another thing to take office. 

The point I am trying to make is that Obama won his nomination in 2008 by voter fraud; this was proven during an audit of ballots last year.  That didn't make any difference to the Bilderbergs, US legislators, or courts.  Obama is not eligible to be a United States President.  Forget the issue of whether or not he was born in the US, which I don't believe he was.  Obama's father was not a natural born citizen of the US, which, under the US Constitution's Natural Born Citizen rule, disqualifies Obama from being a US President.  That didn't make any difference to the Bilderbergs, US legislators, or courts.  Some of our legislators did try to institute Voter ID laws, which after being passed, Obama vetoed.  Why do you suppose Obama quashed Voter ID laws?  If voters have to prove their identities, they can't commit voter fraud; which you would think is a good thing - not in Obama's opinion.  Why do you suppose that is? 

If Obama is reelected, there is no doubt in my mind it will be by fraud - again.  The reason I believe this could happen is that the Bilderbergs, bankers, United Nations and European Union will not be deterred.  They have an imperative agenda to meet at "all costs."