Updated May 8, 2013

An Aurora, Colorado teacher placed tape over the mouths of each of her students to demonstrate to them that t
hey needed to be quiet.

One child was very traumatized by the incident and is begging her mother not to return her to the Aurora public school. She cried to her mother that she found it difficult to breathe while the tape was over her mouth.

The Aurora Police issued this statement: "The incident did not meet the elements of any municipal violation or state statute."

The teacher, whose name was not given by Huffington Post, is on paid administrative leave while the school district is conducting an investigation.

So, if any one of the students had blocked sinuses and found it difficult to breathe, or possibly may have fainted, or succumbed to a life-threatening asthma attack because their mouths were taped shut, it causes one to wonder if the Aurora Police might have a different attitude. How sad that it would have to take a tragedy, severe injury or death, to cause the police to understand the seriousness of the incident.

Elementary school children have been placed in handcuffs and others have been placed in small, windowless rooms as a means of discipline in some schools. Children have reported being denied bathroom privileges during class - nothing less than torture. Hundreds of reports of sex abuse and molestation by teachers have surfaced in recent years, so this is not unusual nowadays. You only need to visit the American Schools category of this page to appreciate what's really going on.

What has changed in America? Things like this might be the norm in a Dictatorial, Communist or Socialist nation, but not here in the ol' US of A, Land of the Free!

There is one cliche'. Yes, cliche', because the days are evil and not many seem to be paying attention: Barack Obama was a member of the Socialist "New Party" before he ran for president. Obviously, he did not want to run as a Socialist. Nevertheless, he has never disavowed his Socialist ideology. On the contrary; his Executive Orders convey exactly what he is - a Socialist! The National Defense Authorization Act is a good example.

It seems apparent that government officials all over the US are taking on the spirit of their leader.

Case in point: A Christian family fled to the US to avoid persecution in Germany and the threat that their children would be removed from their custody, because they home educated them. An immigration judge granted the Romeikes asylum based on the merits of their case.

The Obama administration immediately filed an appeal and is seeking to have the family deported back to Germany, where their children will likely be removed from their custody and forced to attend the state's schools. Christians are being persecuted for home educating their children in Germany; they are often fined heavily, imprisoned and their children are removed from their custody.

In America, Christian families have always had the option of home educating their children, instead of allowing them to be taught atheistic ideologies in public school, such as evolution, Socialism, which is being taught through revised social studies, history and economics, and inappropriate explicit sex education to very young school children.

The Obama administration's opinion regarding this case is that Germany has the right to deny the Romeikes the freedom to home educate their children, and Eric Holder's office is working to have them deported.

In response to the US Attorney General's appeal, Michael Farris, founding chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), is suing the US Department of Justice on behalf of the Romeikes, not only for the Romeikes, but the outcome of this case will likely affect all Americans. 

Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to students in Berlin recently during his trip to Germany in February, and offered a defense for freedom of speech, religion and thought in the United States, telling them that, "In America, you have a right to be stupid, if you want to be."

Apparently, as a top official in the Obama administration, Kerry believes it is "stupid" for people to exercise their freedoms of speech, religion and thought. This is Socialism in a nutshell. 

The Word of God tells us concerning the last days, "Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold" Matthew 24:12.

"Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient...without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful" Romans 1:28,31. 

The Bible also says,

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts they shall heap unto themselves teachers, having itching ears" 2 Timothy 4:3.

Not only do people enjoy hearing what they want to hear in churches, but they have allowed the same unGodly teachers to come in and corrupt their children with heresies. These unGodly and secular teachers are not only corrupting the minds and bodies of your children, but their methods for conducting order and discipline in the classrooms are unGodly and corrupt.

There are ways to draw the attentions of children and their cooperation, without using physical restraint. The problem here is that even children sense when the adults are in error and they don't have the respect nowadays that they should have in classrooms. You never heard of the disorderly conduct among school children that you hear of today when children were taught from the Word of God, and when it was used as the foundation for general studies.

I can't compel you enough to pray and ask God to prepare the path for you to remove your children from unGodly teachings, secular humanism and wicked influences in public schools; their souls depend on it.

My heart goes out to everyone in this nation with school-aged children, and my heart especially goes out to the children.

I home educated my son and I am so glad I did. He suffered Crohn's disease and I home educated him for eight years. My ex-husband thought to allow him to try public school, so he enrolled him one day. One of the terrible and painful symptoms of Crohn's disease is "explosive" diarrhea. Tragically, on his first day of school, he asked the teacher if he could use the restroom, but she refused to allow him to go. She told him he should have gone during break. He suffered through the morning, until lunch, and ran all the way home, crying hysterically. My son's first day of public school was also his last day of public school and I resumed home schooling.

My son is with the Lord now; God took him at the age of 24. I have suffered great sorrow, but I can also thank God for the privilege I had to teach Levi about the things of God while he was young; salvation, everlasting life and God's mercy.

Yes, God's mercy, because we are all leaving this world on account of sin, but God sent His only Son to redeem us, to shed His blood as a payment for our sins, so we could have eternal life - if we will only receive it. I am thankful because my son was ready to leave this world and now he is with the Lord. Levi will not return to me, but I will go to him and I will spend eternity with him after this very temporary life is over. Levi's home education was an investment in his eternal soul. That is priceless.

If you are interested in home education, please visit the Home Education page of this website. If you aren't saved, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page first. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you and yours.