Screen shot:   “Distinguished Professor” Bill Ayers standing on the American Flag

Please watch the video:


Business Insider reported on Friday that 48 American college presidents delivered a scathing letter to President Donald Trump about his immigration policies, specifically his Executive Order on immigration.

The letter was written by Princeton President Christopher L Eisgruber and University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann and signed by 40 additional presidents. (The report indicated 48 presidents signed; but said two drafted the letter and 40 signed, which indicates 42 total, not 48.)

The letter stated,

“This action unfairly targets seven predominantly Muslim countries in a manner inconsistent with America’s best principles and greatest traditions...”

Yakety yak..., don’t talk back!

Sorry, folks, I just can’t continue with that garbage. Yes, garbage out of the mouths of college presidents. Are you surprised?

If you are, perhaps you fit in very nicely with the Liberal-Progressive-Socialist-Marxist-Leninist-Communist far left that has worked to destroy this nation and nations around the world.

Here is an example of what America’s schools and “college presidents” have done to America’s children:

Screen shots:  -   We have gone from here...

Screen shots:  -   To here

Over the last 50 years, children have gone from saying, “Yes, sir,” to “Awh, shut up!”

So here’s what we have to say to you college presidents, “Shut up!”

You have demonstrated your “fine skills” by the very presentation of young adults in our society today.

Being God-less, you have no idea what you are doing and whatever you say, doesn’t mean a thing. If you are unable to comprehend that some measures have to be taken to ensure that our citizens aren't blown up by Muslim terrorists, then you are devoid of understanding and your opinion is meaningless.

Are you skeptical about what I am saying?

I will give you plenty of good examples (below) of how these people are deliberately, in the name of the New World Order, radicalizing your children; and in the name of biological experiments, are deliberately causing your children to become promiscuous at a very young age, so they can send them off for abortions – right from the classroom – without their parents’ knowledge, or consent! They can then use the baby body parts, or we may yet find out, the entire baby born alive!

Consider the following examples of today’s instructors/education:

Bill Ayers: Labeled by colleagues “Distinguished Professor,” retired from teaching at the College of Education at the University of Illinois in Chicago. He is a professed Communist and he launched terrorist activities in the United States as cofounder of Weather Underground (a Communist movement in the 1960-70s), who was directly responsible for bombing police stations, the US Capitol Building, the Pentagon and other government buildings, during the 1960s and 70s. The likes of this idiot is called “Distinguished Professor” and “Senior University Scholar” in Gangland Chicago! This dimwit has been teaching America’s children at the university in Chicago, as incredulous as that may seem.

Do you know who is teaching your children? If you don’t know them personally, and if you haven’t lived in the same house with them in order to know them well enough to teach your children, I strongly suggest that you visit the Home Education page to garner some very helpful information.

In the meantime, the following internet links should give you an idea of what these “bright scholars” are doing to elementary school children, and you don’t even what to know what they are teaching at the college level:

Sodomy taught to 10-year-olds in elementary school:

Female teachers strip during sex ed class for 11-year-olds:

Parents furious after school teaches children graphic sex:

Teacher suspended for demonstrating sex toys in class:

Planned Parenthood images "too graphic" for New York Times, Washington Post:

Obama's "safe schools" czar was the wrong man for the job; he didn’t report a sexual assault against a child at his school:

Obama agreed with mandating sex ed classes for Kindergarten students:

WND's big list of teachers arrested/prosecuted for molesting their students (this is only the list of female teachers!):

Children taught Islam in American Public Schools:

The Word of God tells us,

“The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, for it is written, He takes the wise in their own craftiness” 1 Corinthians 3:19.

The Word of God tells us that there are “lying spirits” (1 Kings 22:21-22) and “seducing spirits” in the latter days (1 Timothy 4:1). These are operating in teachers and professors today.

It is obvious to see that we are living in the latter days, friends, and it behooves us to watch diligently over our children, not turn them over to the hands of the wicked, and take heed ourselves, lest we be deceived.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page - your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.