A British Airways employee, Nadia Eweida, was asked to remove or cover her cross at work, but was placed on unpaid leave when she refused, reported CNS News.  Shirley Chaplin, a longtime nurse, was reprimanded when she also refused to remove or cover her cross.  Eweida argued that coworkers of other faiths were allowed to showcase symbols of their faith.  She took the airline before a British employment tribunal for religious discrimination, but lost the case. 

These are just a couple of examples of religious discrimination against Christians in Britain.  Nadia Eweida's case dates back to 2006.  There are now 85 Sharia courts operating in Britain.  Like the United States, Britain started out with their innocently-appearing-enough "political correctness," which has festered into a full-blown Sharia tyranny throughout Britain, where churches and cathedrals are closing in mass, many of which are being converted to mosques.  They now have political activists who are whining that the Muslims have taken over Britain and they are losing their own political and religious freedoms by leaps and bounds.  There are widespread video commentaries on YouTube about the problems that exist for Britain. 

On 9/25/02, a group of armed Muslims in Karachi, Pakistan, entered the office of a Christian charity, tied several workers to chairs and then brutally murdered them. The killing of non-Muslim humanitarian workers by Muslims occurs quite often in other Muslim countries.  They haven't grown that strong here - not yet.
With Obama migrating tens of thousands of Muslims into the US, we see the same uprisings here, to the point where Muslim footbaths are being installed in public schools and other buildings throughout the nation.  At the same time, we never hear of US tax dollars paying for Christian accommodations in public schools or other public places.  On the contrary, God has been kicked out of public schools and the workplace, and the only protests you hear much about are those for "Muslim rights" and "Muslim discrimination" and "Sharia laws."  We are headed in the same direction as Britain, but Americans are still blindly catering to the every whim of Muslims.  I suppose their eyes won't be opened until people in this nation are not allowed to buy or sell anything, unless they have the mark of the Muslim Mahdi (messiah - Antichrist).  The Word of God is true and has never stated a false prophecy.  The Bible says that a leader will rise up in the last days demanding that everyone receive a mark in their right hand or forehead, without which no one can buy or sell, except those who have the mark: "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hands or in their foreheads, that no man may buy or sell, except he who has the mark, or the name of the beast (Antichrist), or the number of his name.  Here is wisdom.  Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred, sixty-six" Revelation 13:16-18.