Rudy Eugene, 31 years old.
Despite earlier reports and rumors that Rudy Eugene ingested "bath salts," a synthetic amphetamine cocktail, before his outrageous flesh-eating attack against an older homeless man in Florida, a complete toxicology report concludes that Eugene only had marijuana in his system. 

I find it very interesting that initial reports in the mainstream news media regarding Rudy Eugene stated he was carrying a "Bible" and had been attending Bible study before his horrific act.  Today, however, I read in the Huffington Post that Eugene was not only attending Bible study, but he was also studying the Qu'ran!  This new report also stated that Eugene "growled" at the officer, as the officer commanded him to stop eating the face of the older man.  Eugene turned around and growled at the officer and continued eating the man's face.  Even after being shot once, he was only startled for a moment, then turned and began eating the man's face again.  Now why do you suppose the initial reports all left out the fact that Eugene was studying the Qu'ran?  The "growling" is barbaric and demonic.  There seems to be a worldwide cover-up and conspiracy to protect Muslims from reproach, but rather persecute Christians whenever possible. 

Many people in the world today do not believe in demon possession.  Even though there have been renowned cases of possession reported throughout history, such as the Roland "Doe" (youth's last name was concealed) case, the 13-year-old boy whose incident of demon possession inspired the creation of the movie The Exorcist in 1971.  If you don't believe such things, you certainly don't believe in the Bible, because there are several instances when Jesus cast demons out of people (Matthew 17:18, Mark 5:1-8, Mark 16:9).  "When Jesus arose early the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He cast seven devils" Mark 16:9.  Whether they have any drugs in their systems or not, these people, who we see attacking other people and eating their flesh, are demon possessed.  You may or may not believe that, but it's true nevertheless, and just another sign that we are living in the very last days. 

The Bible alludes to such crimes as these occurring in the last days, "Know this, that in the last days perilous times shall come" 2 Timothy 3:1.  What are perilous times? defines "perilous" as "very hazardous or dangerous."  I would say that people eating other people is very hazardous and dangerous.  The scriptures go on to say, "For men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy (I can't think of a lot of things more unholy than people eating other people alive!), without natural affection (I would say that anyone who can eat the flesh of another human being while they are alive and standing has no natural affection), truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent ( defines "incontinent" as "not restrained, uncontrolled."  I would say that a man growling and eating another man's face off of him is certainly being out of control!), fierce ( defines "fierce" as "menacingly wild, savage" (the growling of Eugene, as he ate another man's face, defines him as "fierce"), despisers of those who are good, traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God" 2 Timothy 3:2-4.  Can you see Bible prophecy coming to pass in the last days through these recent incidents of "zombie" attacks?  The Bible says these things will happen in the last days, before the Lord returnsThese atrocities are being committed by those who are Godless and demon possessed.   

The Bible also tells us that only those who are spiritual can discern what is happening in the world, the others are blind.  We, who know and serve God, can spiritually discern what is happening and why it is happening; we also know the end is near.  Others will shrug, maybe be perplexed, but go about their business as usual.  "The natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" 1 Corinthians 2:14.

I have seen several people who were demon possessed and I prayed for their deliverance.  I grew up in a Christian church and there have been times when people, who were being prayed for, began crawling on the floor, throwing up, and even speaking like a devil.  Late one night at the church, only three of us (Christians) were there praying for a woman who was demon possessed.  She vomited, as others have done, and she crawled on the floor over to the door of the church.  The amazing thing about that incident was that when she reached the door, which was closed, it flew open, slamming against the outside of the church - and no one was there to open it!  When I first began praying for this woman, I put my hand on her and I could feel a sensation like electricity on her body.  I will never forget that sensation, or the other events that occurred that night.  The woman was delivered, but later she allowed demons to enter her again, by the activities and sins she returned to, and she ended up much worse off than she was when she was possessed by demons previously.  She left and never returned to church.  The Bible says that if someone is delivered of demons, if they allow them to enter back into them, the demons will bring seven more demons with them and that person will be worse off than they were before they were delivered the first time (Matthew 12:43-45).  When a person is delivered of demons, it is important that they follow Christ and not return to their former sins and lifestyles. 

I invite you to read the Word of God, if you don't already do so, and ask the Lord to give you the interpretation of His Holy Word.  Turn your life over to the Lord and ask Him to direct your paths, and He will.  If you aren't saved and ready to face God and give an account of your life here on earth, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  Time is limited.  God bless you.