Sean Hannity of Fox News interviewed the former Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, about the dangers of Iran developing nuclear weapons and other issues regarding the Middle East.  Giuliani said President Obama has "no clue" what is going on in the Middle East and he is living in a "fairly naive world."  Giuliani said that Iran is the greatest state sponsor of terrorism and for the American administration not to treat it as such is simply "mindboggling."  He said America's military capabilities far surpass those of Iran and the administration should be willing to take military action against Iran.  He said part of the problem lies with the fact that Iran views Obama as a "weak president" and does not feel threatened by the US. 

I beg to differ with Mr Giuliani.  Obama was raised by a Muslim father and most, or all of his relatives are Muslims.  His cousin, Raila Odinga, whose coupe burned down about 800 Christian churches in Kenya when Odinga didn't make the presidential election (with 100s inside of the churches - burned alive), is a radical Muslim, and he, Obama, is well aware of radical Muslim terrorism and how it operates in the Middle East.  Obama contributed heavily, close to a million dollars (over $980,000), to Odinga's presidential campaign.  No, Ahmadinejad does not see Obama as a "weak president;" on the contrary.  He more likely views him as an ally whose hands are tied, under the circumstances.  President Obama has made his disdain for Israel very clear, even going so far as to suggest that Israel begin peace negotiations by going back to the pre-67 borders!  That's a reflection of Obama and his foreign Middle East policy - just speaking in behalf of his friends!  It appears all to clear that Mr. Giuliani "hasn't a clue" what is going on in the Obama administration.  The Bible says, "Do not be deceived; evil communications corrupt good manners" 1 Corinthians 15:33.  "Take away the wicked from before the king (president) and his throne (legacy) will be established in righteousness" Proverbs 25:5.  President Obama, unfortunately, will go down in history as being the first antisemitic president in the White House.  "I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and curse those who curse you; by you all the families of the earth will be blessed" Genesis 12:3.  Obama's legacy:  a curse.