The US Court of Appeals in Washington upheld a lower court's decision that said the US National Security Agency does not need to disclose its relationship with Google, because the agency's statutes allow it to keep such information secret. 

The top secret US NSA is not required by law to reveal any deal or relationship it has with Google to help protect against cyber attacks.  A public interest group sued the US NSA to release information regarding their relationship and secret dealings with Google, because the public has a right to know about its spying on US citizens under the Freedom of Information Act.  The appeals court handed down a decision that NSA can reject the requested information and does not even have to confirm whether a deal or relationship exists between NSA and Google.

I was certain that when Obama met with the CEOs of Google, Facebook and Apple in February 2011, it wasn't about "innovation and jobs," as the White House reported.  From the moment the meeting was reported last year, I knew it wasn't good for the American people.  It isn't just this website that is constantly attacked and censored by Google, but there are other conservative websites being censored and attacked by top secret government agencies, with the help of Google, and possibly Facebook and Apple.  For one thing, the Obama administration wants control over what the American people see and hear on the internet, especially when so many conservative sites are revealing the truth about the corruption within the Obama administration, in addition to their Socialist-Marxist agenda.

The Bible says that a world dictator (Antichrist) will arise in the last days: "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell, except he who had the mark, the name of the beast (Antichrist), or the number of his name.  Here is wisdom.  Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six-hundred, sixty-six" Revelation 13:16-18.  This world dictator is going to cause everyone to receive a mark on their hands or in their foreheads, otherwise they will be unable to buy or sell anything, which essentially prohibits our existence without this mark.  The Bible goes further to explain that those who do not receive the mark will be beheaded, martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ and their unwillingness to receive this mark of the devil (Revelation 20:4) .  Internet censorship and government spying on US citizens are just the beginning of the end, folks.