There is a lot of speculation going around that Andrew Breitbart was assassinated on the day he was going to release explosive videos of Obama's earlier years, which he said would seal the presidential election.  According to Harvard University Law School professor Charles Ogltree, Breitbart announced a forthcoming expose of information about Obama that his backers and the media suppressed because they believed it could have kept him from winning the 2008 election. 

There is no evidence of any such assassination of 43-year-old Breitbart, who was said to have died of "natural causes."  Okay, let's recap.  Andrew Brietbart is going to release explosive information about Obama, which will kill his chances at reelection, on the very day that the 43-year-old dies of "natural causes" in front of his home shortly after midnight

While considering the above, CIA Director William Colby was forced to bring before the US Senate a secret pistol his agency specifically developed to quietly assassinate people with an exotic frozen poison pellet that would cause a heart attack, then melt inside the body of the victim, which is undetectable by autopsy procedures. 

Now you may want to consider the untimely and very suspicious death of a 52-year-old, award-winning journalist, Mark Pittman, who unveiled secret corruptions within the Federal Reserve Bank in 2009, and who led Bloomberg News to sue the Fed, and won; Pittman died of "unknown causes" shortly thereafter, on November 25, 2009, something to do with his heart...  Oh, and are you aware that most of Obama's administration is made up of members, or former members of the Federal Reserve Bank?  Yes, Obama is knit together like a hand and glove with the Federal Reserve bankers.  View a short-version video of former CIA secretary (whistleblower's) comments and a clip of the US Congressional hearings about the secret "heart attack gun" on the News Videos page of this website.

The prophet Daniel spoke of the Antichrist, "He will enter peaceably, even upon the fattest places of the province, and he will do that which his fathers have not done, nor his father's fathers.  He will scatter among them the prey and spoil the riches.  Yes, he will forecast his devices against the strongholds, even for a time" Daniel 11:24.  John also wrote in the Book of Revelation about the Antichrist, saying, "They worshiped the dragon (satan), which gave power to the beast (Antichrist), and they worshiped the beast, saying, 'Who is like the beast?  Who is able to war against him?" Revelation 13:4. 

I don't say Obama is the Antichrist, who Daniel and other prophets said would come, but he certainly has the spirit of Antichrist, as did Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Mussolini... 

Obama came into office illegally, contrary to the Natural born citizen clause of the US Constitution, in that his father is Kenyan, which makes Obama ineligible under the Constitution to be a US president.  After the elections in 2008, it surfaced that Obama didn't even acquire enough votes in Illinois to win a nomination for the presidency - he gained his nomination by FRAUDIf you don't get it already, you will at some point.  Furthermore, Obama seems to be able to "war" anytime he wants to.  Congress was against his going to war with Libya, but he sidestepped Congress and went to war against Libya, in violation of the War Powers Resolution, taking out Gaddafi (Gaddafi called Obama a "frizz-head" publicly - I guess that did it!).  All of the nations that Obama helped to "liberate" have now fallen into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood, enemies of our ally Israel and supporters of terrorism.  People have said Obama is "innocent" and "didn't know what he was doing," so it all went bad - poor Obama.  Our CIA and military intelligence agencies are not bumbling idiots.  Obama and his cohorts knew exactly what they were doing.  He is a rogue president - all for maniacal Muslims - and one day, in the not too distant future, the American citizens will realize they have been duped by (Allen West R-Florida said it best) "a third-world dictator."  The Builderbergers and the Federal Reserve Bank are behind Obama and he will be in and he will stay, as long as they say he can stay, by whatever means they determine necessary - unless God takes him out.

Maybe when the US is drawing it's "last breath" as a sovereign nation, the citizens are on food rations, and when people have to have a "mark" on their right hands or foreheads, such as a microchip, to buy or sell something, eyes will be opened.  It is coming.  The Word of God says it, and the Word of God never lies.  "He caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, so no man could buy or sell, except he who had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  Here is wisdom.  Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred, sixty-six" Revelation 13:16-18.