Six additional Los Angeles School District employees have been arrested and charged for lewd acts and unlawful sex.  These charges were filed in the wake of the arrest of Miramonte Elementary School teacher Mark Berndt, who was charged with lewd acts upon 23 children.  Subsequent to Berndt's arrest, another teacher at the same school, Martain Springer, was also arrested and charged.  Another five teachers or teacher's aides have been moved to non-teaching settings, while authorities continue their investigations of more complaints throughout the district. 

Unrelated cases also include the arrest of band leader Corey Hogan on February 27, with Dantzler Prep Charter School in Washington.  He was charged with having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old student.  Hogan is out of jail on $100,000 bail.  Gabriela Cortez, Spanish teacher, was arrested on February 22, and accused of having sexual relationships with two students at Roosevelt High School.  One of the students approached Montebello Police because his conscience was bothering him, reported the Associated Press.  Also on February 22, an athletic assistant, Jose Rosario Alvarez, was arrested for having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old student at a Los Angeles County School.  Alain Salas, Teacher's Aide at Fremont High School, was arrested on February 13, for three counts of lewd acts and one count of contacting a 15-year-old student for a sexual offense.  Paul Adame, a janitor with Germain Street Elementary School, was arrested on February 6, for committing a lewd act with a child on campus.  Paul Chapel, a third grade teacher with Telfair Elementary School, was arrested on October 8, 2011, for continuous sexual abuse against three girls and one boy from 2010 to 2011.  Chapel is currently in jail in lieu of $2.2 million bail, reported

You have to know that a very sinister, evil force is at work in the world today, when so very many teachers throughout the nation are being arrested for sexually abusing children.  These are just a tip of the iceberg.  It is so outrageous, it is almost unspeakable the vast numbers involved throughout the nation.  There are extremely long lists of teachers who have been charged and/or arrested in sexual abuse cases in the US.  If you are inclined to see spiritually, it is obvious that this is way far out of the norm and wickedness abounds  in the world, which affects a lot of people who leave themselves open for spiritual attack, because they are not servants of God.  Some people don't realize that if they do not serve the Lord, they are servants of satan by default, according to the Word of God, "Don't you know that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are, whether of sin which leads to death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" Romans 6:16.  Speaking of the last days, the Bible says, "The land will mourn and all who dwell in it will languish, with the beasts of the field, the fowls of heaven, yes, the fishes of the sea will also be taken away" Hosea 4:3.  It is obvious to see that  the world is mourning and languishing - America's children are languishing.  This may also be referred to as a "sin-sick world," which affects everything.