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It seems all too apparent that Megan Kelly with Fox News has forgotten what investigative journalism is, as she has slithered over to a nightly news “fashion island.”

Kelly dons herself in low neck, shoulderless gowns of late, with adorning jewelry, and she seems to be reading a globalist script. She obviously did zero research on PizzaGate, before interviewing James Alefontis, owner of Comet Ping Pong pizza, either that, or she will do anything for money.

Kelly actually led Alefontis (French for “love children”) in an interview on December 15, 2016, as she "asked" questions, and answered them at the same time for Alefontis, before he could even open his mouth. Furthermore, she said absolutely nothing about Alefontis’s bizarre instagrams, showing himself lying on the floor, smeared in blood, donning only underwear and high heels; she said nothing about Alefontis’s instagram with a picture of Obama playing Ping Pong with a child, as he writes, “You’re my date for next year.” She says zero about his posting a photo of a “killroom” that looks like a giant freezer stained with blood...I could go on and on about the code conversations that allude to pedophilia and even murder on the Comet Ping Pong pizza private server, but I have uploaded most of the videos containing those images and statements already. Here are a few more just for reference:

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Megan Kelly is apparently a paid globalist news propaganda puppet. Anyone who watches her should just check in their rational thinking at the door.

The media attacked Alex Jones to the point that he temporarily backed off of PizzaGate, but after the Kelly incident on Fox News, during which time she played only a portion of Jones’s accusations against Hillary Clinton, leaving out the most important facts, he has returned to covering PizzaGate with a vengeance.

I pray that Alex doesn’t stop covering it - for the sake of the children.

I have determined that I will continue to write about these crimes against children until I die, or God takes me up out of this stinking hellhole of a devilish mess this world is in. When entire governments are immersed in pedophilia, child abduction and the torture of children, people had better do what they can to intervene, expose and bring these dogs to justice, or they will face God on Judgment Day.

Before you decide to believe Megan Kelly’s deflection campaign, do yourself a favor and do a little research. There is plenty of evidence out there to see, if you are interested in looking. You can find a lot of information on You Tube and I have seen no fake news regarding PizzaGate. Much of what has been released was vetted by Wikileaks, which has a 100 percent accuracy rate.

We seem to have a horrendous pedophile problem in America, folks. There is a mega-pedo problem in the UK and in the US, and the hub of the US pedophile ring appears to be Washington, DC:

Is anyone angry yet?!!

Jesus said,

“Whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it would be better for him that a millstone be hanged about his neck and drowned in the depth of the sea” Matthew 18:6.

Jesus issued a severe warning to anyone who would even offend one of these little ones!

Jesus loves the little children and He took the time to bless them and He told His disciples not to prevent them from coming to Him, as they wanted to turn them away:

“Jesus said, Suffer (forebear) little children and forbid them not to come unto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven” Matthew 19:14.

Children are innocent and every one of them that have departed this life goes right up to heaven, because they have no sin for which they are accountable for. This is what Jesus meant when He said, “of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” If you have lost a child, you have an opportunity to be with him or her forever by receiving Jesus as your Savior and repenting of your sins. That’s it. Live the remainder of your life following the example of Jesus, as laid out in the New Testament.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page - your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.