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Luciferians believe that the blood of children preserves their youth and mental cognizance. Scientists are actually teaching today what devil worshipers have been practicing for a long time. 

Devil worshipers, Luciferians and satanists, drink the blood of children and some even eat their body parts during satanic rituals.

Wikileaks released an email sent from Marina Abramovic (popular “artist” among Illuminati, who hosts gory satanic rituals referred to as “spirit cooking") to Tony Podesta, a high profile DC lobbyist and brother of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager. Abramovic invited the Podesta brothers to a “spirit cooking” dinner at her home.

Spirit cooking is a “sacrament” in Thelema, a religion founded by Alister Crowley, who was a Luciferian and dubbed the most evil man on the planet. He indulged in child sacrifices and other satanic rituals, according to his own writings (Book 4), and bragged about sacrificing 150 per year. He said, “A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory victim.” Followers of Crawley have tried to debunk this information, which has even been written in Crawley's own memoirs, and his Wikipedia page has been hijacked by Luciferians, who deny the man was evil.

Crowley wasn’t deported from France in 1928 for nothing! He was likely the most evil man on the planet according to his own admissions.

Abramovic is a follower of Crawley and most evil. She brings blood to her meetings (said to be animal blood, but possibly human blood) and she instructs attendees to cut themselves and “eat the pain.” This could also be one method of conditioning her followers to the pain and suffering of others.

Screen shots:  -  Marina Abramovic and message she wrote in blood

As Wikileaks emails prove, those held in high esteem in Washington, DC, and who are in powerful positions, congregate with the likes of Abramovic and James Alefontis, who I have mentioned frequently in these PizzaGate articles and updates. Alefontis is the owner of Comet Ping Pong pizza, Buck’s Fishing and Camping and Pegasus Museum, which businesses all line up along Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC. Alefontis also associates with Abramovic.

There is rumor throughout the internet that those implicated in the PizzaGate scandal are suspected of child trafficking, child sexual abuse, satanic rituals involving the abuse and murder of children, and drinking of the blood of children and eating their body parts.

With all of the information combined, regarding who these people are, their activities, their own conversations, code language used, photographic implications and their associations with people like Marina Abramovic, all point to the satanic ritual abuse of children, the drinking of their blood and even eating of their body parts!

By the way, these are the same people who VEHEMENTLY defend abortion rights and Planned Parenthood, those focused on killing the unborn in the most brutal ways, along with the selling of their body parts! Their cohorts gather to protest many pro-life events and even go so far as to chant “hail satan” with their pro-unborn baby killing signs!

Tragically, there are mountains of circumstantial evidence, and even things that can be considered physical evidence, such as the “kill room,” pictured in one of James Alefontis's Instagrams, which appears to be a giant freezer stained with blood; but nothing, that we are aware of, is being done about it! Alefontis visited the White House on several occasions, according to visitor logs, and has been lauded to be among the 50 most influential people in Washington.

With the amount of public outcry on the internet, one might think the FBI would investigate, or make a public statement, but there is SILENCE, such quiet, it grabs the attention of the masses about what is going on here.

There is much more evidence, photographs, many of which are too vulgar to publish, emails, Instagrams and testimonies, which are either too explicit, or I haven’t had time to upload yet. It is all out there on the internet and, which police and the FBI have easy access to. Some social media, such as You Tube and Reddit are deleting-hiding information, but there are also many of us republishing it as quickly as it is removed.

If you are capable of publishing this information, please do so for the sake of the children involved. We have an urgent responsibility to them, and to God, to expose such evil, until law enforcement agencies do their job!

We need to pray now that President Donald Trump will direct the FBI to complete a full investigation of the evidence that has surfaced as soon as possible, because children are obviously at risk.

The Word of God tells us,

“It is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret...See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” Ephesians 5:12,15-16.

We are living in the last days, folks. The days are evil and it is a time to pray, advise family and friends to take heed, and especially to care for and watch diligently over the children at all times.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page - your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.