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As I continue to research PizzaGate, I have noticed something suspicious that may be a form of targeting/harassment on account of my investigations.

I experienced two blackouts late in the evening while viewing You Tube videos, as I looked further into satanic ritual abuse and, again, while looking into two “shady” pizza and ice cream businesses in Philadelphia.

After the second electrical outage occurred while watching the often-censored PizzaGate videos, I thought I would share this information with readers at this point.

The first electrical outage occurred while I was watching the following video on, about the testimony of a victim of satanic ritual abuse, published by TheWorld WeLiveIn ( The girl’s testimony is very credible and a psychiatric specialist, who treats victims of satanic ritual abuse, also confirmed that he heard the girl’s testimony and found her to be very credible. While playing this video for the first time, the electricity went off in my entire house. 

The second blackout, within just about three weeks of the first, occurred while watching a video on You Tube about a PizzaGate update, published by Victurus Libertas VL (

The video included information regarding Pizza Brain, a pizza shop located at 2313 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, and Little Baby’s Ice Cream shop, located at 2311 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. The video included a bizarre advertisement about Little Baby’s Ice Cream, totally bizarre. It’s indescribably weird. A person just has to view it to understand how abnormal it is.

The information provided on the video about the ice cream and pizza shops located very close to one another on the same street, is deja vu and astonishingly similar to the lineup of suspicious stores on Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC.

If I was a betting person, which I am not, I would wager a nice sum on there being underground tunnels beneath the stores on Frankford Ave, Philadelphia - really - just as there are tunnels under Comet Ping Pong pizza, Buck's Fishing and Camping, Pegasus Museum (all owned by James Alefontis) and Besta Pizza (owned by Andrew Kline, recent special prosecutor in Human Trafficking with the Department of Justice), all situated along Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC.

Here is James Alefontis speaking in the home of Tony Podesta (left), who has hanging from the ceiling a type of bronze cast which looks disgustingly similar to a beheaded Jeffrey Dahmer victim (right). Why would anyone in their right mind have such a tragic looking victim hanging from their ceiling? These people are walking demons personified!

If you do research on PizzaGate, you might find your website, your You Tube channel, or Pay Pal account, and possibly other accounts, shut down, or you might experience a total blackout, as you are hitting “close to home.”

The blackouts are speculative at this point, but I have that “gut feeling” about them. I am not insinuating that You Tube is causing the blackouts. Since I have already been targeted by the Department of Motor Vehicles, I believe my Smart Meter could be manipulated based on what I am viewing on my computer.

If you believe that is far-fetched, your resources are antiquated, friend. I won’t elaborate on the DMV targeting here, because I have covered it numerous times in the past; but in summary, I will say that I tried three times to renew my driver’s license (by PC, phone and certified mail), and even after my check for fees was cashed by DMV, I was still denied a renewal. I had to show up in person, pay double and, after a year of haggling, my Assemblyman had to contact DMV before I could get my refund! (This is the kind of Obama-dung that Trump will be trying to clean up when he takes office.) That was just fine, because I was able to run down proof (must keep proof) of the entire scenario to my Assemblyman and his staff were quite proactive in my behalf, very kind, and they didn’t think I was crazy! *Got my refund within three days of contacting my Assemblyman! 

These things are a bit unnerving, but those of us who care about children who are being abused, tortured and possibly even killed, will continue to research and publish information regarding these abominations for the SAKE OF THE CHILDREN, and we will not be intimidated!

If you are interested in seeing how far someone like James Alefontis will go to intimidate and threaten because of PizzaGate, just view this video:

If you aren’t wimpy, or faint of heart, please join the campaign to weed out these scum bags, expose their crimes and bring about justice for the children who suffer and are likely killed by these demon-possessed imps!

It is a worthy cause, even worth dying for. If enough of us work diligently to expose this manure, there will be too many of us to intimidate or threaten. 

We have a responsibility before God to defend children from pedophiles and those who abuse and kill them.

The Word of God tells us,

“Defend the poor and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and needy” Psalm 82:3.

Many of the children who are molested and abused are poor and fatherless, otherwise they would not be as vulnerable as they are in many cases.

“He that has pity upon the poor lends to the Lord, and that which he has given will He pay him again” Proverbs 19:17.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page - your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

Links to more PizzaGate research, provided by Victurus Libertas VL:

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