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Browsing Archive: October, 2017


Posted by L A on Thursday, October 19, 2017, In : End Times 


Please be advised that I am working with Yola to restore the CATEGORIES, TAGS and ARCHIVES on the News, Newsletter and Messages pages!

They have been removed and only a few recent articles are published now, all archives have also disappeared!

All of these appear on the Yola dashboard, as I work to upload articles, and, as always, these major features on the News and Newsletter pages are set to be published, but the display is not working. It isn’t working for th...

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“...they please themselves in the children of strangers, slapping hands in compact (original Hebrew)” Isaiah 2:6

Posted by L A on Friday, October 6, 2017, In : Signs in the Earth 

Hillary's email to Huma Abedin

“Pizzagate” actually started with the Bill and Hillary Clinton/Laura Silsby scandal in 2010. If you aren’t familiar with it, because there were a lot of cover-ups involving the story, Bill and Hillary Clinton provided legal assistance to Laura Silsby, a convicted child trafficker, resulting in a reduced sentence for Silsby. Silsby was arrested in Haiti, as she attempted to smuggle 33 children out of the country without documentation. To top it all off, Sil...

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“As it was in the days of Lot...but the same day Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all” Luke 17:28-29

Posted by L A on Friday, October 6, 2017, In : Signs in the Earth 

9/17 Newsletter

Obama playing ping pong with boy (James Alefantis: 'You're my date for next year') - Obama snuggling the neck of a little girl.

Wikileaks email about Obama's pizza/dog party

Biden's birthday greeting to Barack, including bracelet - John Podesta showing same type of bracelet - left arm

Included in the photos above on your left is Obama playing ping pong with a young boy. James Alefantis (user name JimmyComet) wrote next to the photo on his Instagram account, “You’re my date f...

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